Stands for yuh “mudda cunt” or for those perfect English speakers, your “ mother cunt” Basically a form of cursing, on the levels of bitch or asshole but a lil higher, usually used at the end of a sentence but can be used within a sentence or in the middle of a sentence! It is very effective and can be an instant kill if used properly when in a cuss out!
U are most welcome! ☺️
For example; “hull yuh MC!!” Or “ hush yuh MC”
MC - its the short form of minecraft(bc Mine Craft)
friend: hey bro wanna play some mc ?
me: yea sure
pussy . some one has a fishy mc . your mc smell like fish you stink bicth
our mc smell like fish you stink bitch
A nickname your friends call you when your dense or clueless to most stuff
It's used mainly in League of Legends. Means Movement Command
Your combo is AA-Q-MC-Q-AA