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Grandma Meme

A sassy, cool, loving, and sweet old cougar.

My Grandma Meme is such a flirt! She is always hitting on her cute young doctors.

by Big Pun17 February 8, 2021

The Jaune Meme

The Jaune Meme is a well known Meme among the RWBY fandom ,the Meme its self is a clip from RWBY of the Character Jaune playing a guitar singing Sunday .

The clip was taken from the show by mossyfrogg and uploaded every Sunday this slowly but surely became a big meme within the RWBY fandom.

Person 1:The Jaune Meme is my favourite Meme
person 2:it is funny

by Skl8888 November 1, 2020

Meme English

Meme english is type of english whose words have been changed to provoke a humorous reaction, coincidentally many of those changed words' spelling and pronunciation are the same (chemist becomes kemist, build becomes bild etc.) as well as some abbreviations (are becomes r, you becomes u, your and you're become ur), its most common use is in meme man memes.

"meme man speaks in meme english"

by Cyb3rklev September 26, 2021

Dead Meme

A meme that has run it's course.

Usually a meme is considered "dead" when the majority of people don't find it comedic anymore.

Steven: Do u no dae wae?
Michael: Stop, it's a dead meme Steven.

by yeahokayfine February 5, 2018

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Meme Queen

(n): someone who only posts memes rather than using their own words to express their disgust for society as being "brainwashed followers",. (syn. inarticulate, hypocrite, butt-of-jokes).

He only posts other people's memes and quotes, yet thinks society is a bunch of "mindless sheep". That Meme Queen is such an inarticulate hypocrite.

by Larevo June 13, 2014

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animation meme

It's an animation, but not a meme
Animation memes do not live up to their name

Guy 1: Hey, have you heard of animation memes?
Guy 2: Yeah, I've watched one of those videos but it turned out to be an edgy animation instead of a meme

by CosmicDefiner May 12, 2022

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Meme Daddy

a person who has a rare collection of memes and is also attractive. Therefore, the father of the memes.

Lauren: Omg, Did you see Greg's meme album? He has a DIAMOND PEPE.

by ultravi0lence March 7, 2016

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