Source Code

KonekoKitten moment

when somebody your close to, trust, or never thought would do anything terrbile is found out to have done vile acts.

"I just found out my dad is racist! What a KonekoKitten moment."

by s@yai November 7, 2023


Refers to a disturbing or shocking moment that could potentially occur in the mystical place of Kraken Cove. These moment's are usually either sinister or shocking in some way, but then turned into slight comedy by the fact that it seems to be an ordinary happening in the town it's referring to.

Delilah: Hey Orwyn, how was your day?

Orwyn: My foot fell off and grew out a demon tentacle that is hellbent on enslaving the world so it can make it sandwiches!

Delilah: #Cove-Moment

by Edd_Was_Here May 3, 2022

BigM moment

when you're sweet, supporting, kind and definitely not racist to your young teammates in a videogame, and of course you don't have a basement that you lock and kill kids in.

your teammate: fails*
you: ..... :) meet me in the basement I have a surprise for you (you little n-, u bl**k sl**e, ypu pile of tr*sh), a very *bloody* big surprise
your freind watching you play: BigM moment

by NoSpaces:) July 21, 2022

Alex Moment

This is when Alex finds an arbitrary thing cute (usually a disturbing thing) and goes "That's so cuuuuute!" or "Awww that's adorable!!!!"

Rui: Man my cat takes a million shits per day.

Alex: That's sooo cute awww
Rui: Alex moment!

by ajrui19 February 20, 2022

Alex moment

When Alex does a thing

I had a Totalt Præcis Aurgetn case and got sidetracked.

What an Alex moment!

by Ryuggu August 6, 2021

Butthole Moment

To talk about embarrassing or awkward moments that everyone potentially go through.

I’ve got a butt, and it’s a butthole and it’s stinky down there.

Awww that’s embarrassing, what a butthole moment!

by Manchildcave June 13, 2019

Kevin Moment

Kevin Moment is when someone goes afk, and then goes to do something else. Like for example: the person says that he is going to get a drink, but then he sends you a snap of him in the shower.

Person 1: where did he go, its been so long.

Person 2: yeah he send me a snap of him in the shower
Person 1: what a kevin moment

by SL bevlig March 27, 2022