Animals get harmful chemicals tested on them just so us humans can have our ✨✨✨PrEtTy GiRlY gIrL mAkEuP bEcAuSe It'S sO iMpOrTaNt✨✨✨!!! No. Most common animals tested are mice, bunnies, guinea pigs, cats, and beagels. Now you think they might just like put the power on them and then wash it off, NOPE YOUR WRONG. They go and use the stuff to test on animals which ends up hurting them and possibly killing them. This world is messed up.
1. The creator just dumped moat of there animal tested bathroom stuff
2. Head and Shoulders do Animal Testing :(
An unusual or unorthodox person. Someone or something that does everything ass backwards. Can also mean a situation that you don't want to get involved in.
Stubborn and hardheaded to a fault, usually getting oneself or others into a dangerous situation
Johnny is just a Bad Animal, right or wrong he's gotta do it his own way.
That roof is a Bad Animal I'm done trying to fix it.
No Idea Animation is a youtuber who makes animations and streams games.
guy 1: Hey, do you watch No Idea Animation?
guy 2: Yeah, dude!!
A graceful and majestic animal that flops around the ocean, kings of the land and sea. They'll crush you, so be sure not to mess with them, you wont know what to do. Best animal of them all. WARLPIRI
Friend: I just swam 100km across the ocean.
Me: Wow you are such a walrus (animal)
A person who gets high rank only because other people helped them to get there or begged them to.
Ijibols got boosted to top 1 in Guardian Tales, he is a boosted animal.
1. A Game Where The Evil Tom Nook Puts You In Debt And Makes You Pay Taxes
2. Child Labour
3. A Relaxing Family Friendly Game That Is Like Real Life Without The Rona Virus
I'm Gonna Hold You At Gunpoint If You Don't Play Animal Crossing
The worst type of animations found on the internet. These animations are so bad, that even little kids cringe to death. They're either made by little kids lacking talents or creepy 40 year old pedophiles. Train animations are also the worst to upload to YouTube, because you can only get like 10 views a day, even if you have thousands of subscribers, like Ender Bean TV for example. If you want to gain views and subscribers, don't make those videos, because they're not interesting at all. They're too simple to make since all you do to make a train animation is put a background with railway tracks and make the train move.
John: Check out the new train animation I made!
Amy: Oh, come on, I'm not even into that shit! Even animation memes are better than this garbage!