Source Code


Boasting that you've slept with a girl, not explaining that all you've actually done is sleep next to her.

"I slept with her last night"
"Yeah, cause we were both tired"

by buggerflump April 7, 2009

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Louis styles

The superior name. It’s catchy, it’s short, it’s sweet. I hope Louis takes the name.

Louis styles or Harry To-
Me: Louis Styles. Argue with the wall.

by Harrysdimple November 7, 2021

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Grandma Style

One who partakes in the oral services of a woman. When doing so he and/or she moves there tongue furiosly in a side to side motion, tongue must be hard and pointed...its like when your grandma is confused and her mouth is agape and all u see is her tongue making that motion

Yea baby last night ate that bitch grandma style!

by Ldogg88 February 24, 2010

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Detroit Style

Taking care of business using any violent means necessary.

Yo man clean that shit up, or I'm coming at you Detroit Style!!

by D-Man-313 August 14, 2009

36πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Grunt Style

Grunt Style is a military apparel brand worn mainly by non servicemen.

The following are examples of things you can expect to find on a Grunt Style shirt:

"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" - Get it? WTF

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - A.K.A. the 2nd Amendment (MLG Air horn plays)

Final example,


Umm okay....

Grunt Style customers also like the blue police flag sticker on the back of their truck right next to "Molon Labe, Leupold, I got your six, Ruger and Coexists (written in firearm company logos.)

The customers beard and bald head is there to give the illusion of being a battle seasoned operator, despite never serving.

Grunt Style customers like to appear to be rebellious and edgy. They might say something like, "the liberals will be so pissed when she read my shirt," but in reality no one is offended, they just feel bad for you, you're lack of style and social awareness.

No one thinks you're a bad ass. You're a fake alpha and the only thing that could make this worse is you revving up a Harley outside a Denny's at 2am.

If you know someone who owns one of these T-shirts, I am sorry and a non-profit support group will be made soon for those who have to acknowledge that they are dating or friends with someone who wears Grunt Style.


Grunt Style Customers"Hey guys I just ordered another Grunt Style T-shirt. This one says Bacon Helps. That's so funny. I like bacon. I have a potato for a brain. Guns. Guns. Boot licker. Concealed Carry.

by Ausernameokgeez December 19, 2018

168πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž

Harry Styles

just some kid who has brown curly hair and green eyes that are often called 'orbs' in those things called fanfics he also masturbates furiously to louis tomlinson ("friendly" bandmate) nudes and ejaculates all over leona lewis posters that liam stores in his underground chmber aka his ballsack (daddy 10 inch)

me: harry styles has alot of pubic hair
you: i know can i pls fuck him

me: but he fucking louis right now
you+me: BJ

by elizabethsvag111 September 16, 2012

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PLO style

1. The act of doing anything in a sneaky fashion.
2. Being dirty, grimey, and God awful sinister.
3. Being sneaky, the ways of a sneaky person

If you're playing basketball and you quitely sneak up behind someone and steal the ball, you just used PLO style to gain possession of the rock.

If you hate your boss and somehow manage to pull his wife and slap nasties with her behind his back, your style is mad PLO.

by Douglas Teel October 19, 2007

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