Source Code

air drunk

When you're "drunk" but haven't touched alcohol

Damn we're gonna get so air drunk today 😍😍😍

by 727! September 24, 2022

Air Drunk

When one has the symptoms of being drunk and stupid, but has not consumed any alcohol to start with

"Yo you see todd last night?"

" Yea man, dude took a sip of apple juice and just went completely air drunk!"

by OpTiCris September 18, 2015

Suzi drunk

A level of drunkness achieved only by the skilled and the few. Suzi drunkness is defined by the ability to successfully move an entire group whilst maintaining an air of calm and tranquility.

I was totally Suzi drunk last night.

She was so Suzi drunk, she looked effortless.

by Tinkerbell1902 December 4, 2018

drunk audience

A magician's best friend.

Dad: What's a magician's best friend?
Young Barney: A drunk audience!

by Willie Everlearn June 29, 2014

blunt drunk

When you get too high you can't swallow a hit from a blunt.

Becky got so blunt drunk while hotboxing in the car with Madeleine.

by Eminem420 April 4, 2017

Dopple drunk

Someone who looks like you and is you
But they say and do things when you are drunk
And you can’t remember

Last night you where acting crazy dancing all over that bar. What? I don’t remember that must have been my dopple drunk

by Yeti Vendetti May 2, 2021

shitty drunk

Soneone who thinks they are brilliant, well spoken and smooth when drunk, who in fact is not. Even when faced with cold hard facts and evidence of their shitty drunkenness whether it be pictures, witnesses, or broken things, will make excuses and justify their shitty drunken behavior, and continue to be shitty drunks.

Dooshbag, shit, faced, nightmare, my, bf, unfortunately

He was such a shitty drunk, he vowed he would never leave me and then tried to wrestle me, got me in a headlock and then stumbled to the bathroom to vomit.

by amorphusdorkus July 2, 2014