Source Code

chocolate nuts

Where one wipes the anus from back to front as apposed to front to back, therefore carrying the faeces from the anus onto the scrotum and testicular area, usually coating them and giving them a brown colour.

Will: Yo Tom, how do you wipe your ass?
Tom: From back to front
Will: Ew fuck, you've got a case of chocolate nuts. He got a pooey balllbag

by rezenquah June 27, 2018

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chump nuts

petty cash as spending money, especially the allowance some parents give their children

boy: my computer illiterate, please give me my chump nuts for the week that I am entitled to.

dad: go back to your cave Jason. And I don't want to talk to you until you improve your vocabulary.

by Sexydimma May 19, 2012

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Nut Shot

A very painful hit to the balls on men that normally takes them to the ground. Even though, it should never be used and is very unhonorable. If you are a guy and do this to another guy you will have broken the worst law of the bro-code and shall be punished to death.

"Omg that nut shot hurt so bad!"

by Kord ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ June 3, 2020

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Nut Hut

A group of three rad girls livinโ€™ life to the fullest in a sick tricked out mansion.

Yo yo yo we are goinโ€™ to the nut hut.

by Squadtrolls August 31, 2018

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nut low

The absolute worst. The oppisite of the nut high. This term is derived from the poker term the nuts.

My girlfriend started sleeping with my roommate. It was the nut low.

by chazzzle April 3, 2006

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Nut Rippler

When you fart on a bus with your legs closed and the gas has no where to go except up either your left nut or right nut. It feels like you shit yourself. But when you stand up the gas releases silently and your nut falls back into place.

Man I was sitting beside this SFU and I had a nut rippler. Didn't want to move or it would smell.

by Mike Pell November 9, 2005

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bum nuts

Eggs: Normally refers to chicken eggs.

For breakfast, would you like your bum nuts scrambled or fried?

by Dingo Dave June 10, 2006

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