A nickname for a person in the office whom you have a strong affinity for. Your office sweetheart.
Always knew I could count on you- office pet.
Referred to as the office administrator. Others will pile shit on your plate and pull you in 5 different ways. Accomplishing any task of will become nearly impossible. People will copy you in on emails and tell other people that you will be reaching out to them. This covers ones ass., but not yours. You will be paid less than 95% of people in a company. If you are hourly you will be will the first person at the office in the morning and the last one to leave.
Thanks Sharon, our office door mat will reach out to you to insert task here.
Meetings and chit-chat till 12:00, pub until 15:00 then "wobbly pool" until 16:30 then home.
I'll be in bed by eight tonight I'm "going into the office" today.
The kind of guy who thinks he's protecting someone from someone else with a knife by shooting them, rather than disarming them. Shooting is quicker, and there is less risk of injury to the officer involved, but it's also irreversible to the person getting shot and to their family.
There is no easy way to keep somebody who really wants to cut somebody up from doing it, but Officer Big Daddy does have more options than one, even if he doesn't like the hard ones that go with wearing a badge. If you really don't want to have to do anything physically hard at a time you least want to, there really are other jobs you won't endanger people at by making split second decisions that take a life, and assuming that it was always the right move.
holy fuck, holy fuck, this place makes me want to fucking kill myself,
the people at this school suck, the teachers care 10x more about your uniform than school work. the chinese classes suck aswell, you literally do nothing but worksheets and sometimes watch a video. so much fucking transphobia and homophobia, teacher's say they're doing shit but i still get into fights with homophobes. i havent been to a single class without someone saying the f slur or the n-word. instead of trying to help the people who crack(get mad, start a fight) they just give you a detention
mr mkcay is awesome tho also theyrs this cross eyed bitch who has no compassion and also she's cross eyed
"did you go to officer secondary college?" -person 1
"i hate all gay people and anyone who isn't white" -person 2
"so you did?" -person 1
"yes" -person 2
The trophy that is handed out at TRIES on an almost daily basis for the best comment of the day.
Here, The Dave, have the office trophy, AGAIN
A person who is regularly sick. Instead of staying home to tend their illness, they bring their sickness into the office and spread it. These people tend to have children, the ultimate carrier.
Jane, the office carrier, decided to be selfish and work today, despite being sick as a dog.