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University of Michigan

A college in the midwest where students are more loyal to their school than the Nazis were to Hitler with some going as far as to brand themselves with the infamous "block M".

Are you going to the University of Michigan football game Saturday? Yeah bro, football is a religion here. GO BLUE

by bradyjoke February 14, 2017

16πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

University of Saskatchewan

An oasis in the middle of the canadian praries for students starving for knowledge and a home football team. U of S transforms hicks into lawyers, engineers and doctors. The winters can get very very cold, with record lows of -50 degrees. This is unfortunately perfect conditions for winter studying... and snow fights. It is also advised to make friends with some First Nations students, to stock up on Parkas and moccasins. The university is right next to the North Saskatchewan River and a perfect place to drop you canoe to float to further destinations.

" Are you going to the University of Saskatchewan??"

by Bannanon May 20, 2011

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Maastricht University

aka Bullshit University, located in Maastricht, The Netherlands, but infested by Germans. The only university where, even if you ace an exam, you can still fail the entire course because you skipped ONE lesson. At UM, life just plain sucks and weed, Ritalin and vodka are the only way to get through it all. UM attracts tons of international students (all thanks to some marketing bullshit), especially Germans who for some reason think it's some sort of European Harvard. Everyone in Maastricht is either a psychopath, a junkie or depressed. To add insult to injury, moving to Maastricht also causes you to get Maastricht Syndrome.
Not to mention that everyone who works at UM believes they're in the best uni on earth, even though UM actually ranks pretty bad among the 'good' uni's in Europe

"I skipped 2 out of 20 tutorials and now I have to do a 60 page essay course assignment within 3 days, otherwise I'll have to graduate a year later. Maastricht University is such a fucking nightmare."

"Goddammit, how come the Germans at Maastricht University always get such high grades while everyone else is struggling so much?? Oh wait I know! They're all psychopaths!"
"If you say Maastricht University backwards three times while looking into a mirror, you'll be exempted from all resits."

by godverdomme January 15, 2020

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Entropia Universe

A very expensive game

Guy 1: Wanna waste some money on a gun on Entropia Universe?
Guy 2: I can't! I spent it all on that shit apartment!

by meowing February 5, 2012

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University blv

Basically a paint ball corse in the middle of the projects except the folks that live around here don’t use paintball guns. sights to see include lots of cops and the bard up gas station

Yo Nate I just broke down on university blv will you give me a hand. Sorry bro you’ll be shot up before I get there your white ass stick out like a sore thumb

by Chopperindabag March 11, 2019

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Dalhousie University

A university in Halifax Nova Scotia that is the home of rich Ontario Kids who want to "escape", and commerce kids that didnt get into Queens or Western. Party culture is LITTT! Bars are open until 4:00am! Also referred to as dal.

Commerce Boy 1: Hey you go to Dalhousie University too?

Commerce Boy 2: Yea man had to escape the GTA! I freaking love Dal!

Commerce Boy 1: WHAT SAME MAN!! See you at the Rowe in 10!

by frendrickkk May 5, 2018

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University of Michigan

A school that only enrolls students who are asian, black, or ugly. More often than not, one will see male students walking around in a lacrosse jersey with a backwards hat on. It is also common to see every male student try and rock the long sideburns. As for the females, it is not uncommon to see them on football game day wearing some ridiculous outfit, with their knee-high socks, sporting a bright "maize" shirt and a backwards hat. This bright outerwear is to distract you from their ugly faces. The irony of this situation is that these people will claim that they are better than you. They believe that, because they won a lot of football games back in the 60's, 70's and 80's, that their skill carries over to the next era. They also believe that they receive a better education because they get more homework than other schools. However, the reality is that their football team sucks, their girls are ugly, and you're still getting nowhere in life with a degree in Engineering.

(In East Lansing)

"Hey Johnny, who's that slapdick with the sideburns and the yellow hat on backwards, trying to wheel on those freshman girls?"

"Oh, that kid? Don't worry about him. He goes to the University of Michigan and he won't be getting with any girls tonight. He couldn't score in a whorehouse with a handful of twenties."

by Dick Rod November 2, 2011

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