When someone is about to go to the toilet you say “poopie support”.
This can be used for purposes of;
support (1) or embarrassment (2).
1. When someone is constipated, tap on the door & whisper “poopie support”, this is showing support & patience to a person if they are struggling to squeeze out a poo.
2. Commonly used in public, you announce someones toiletry behaviours by yelling “poopie support” alarming everyone in the vicinity that this person is about to go do a poo.
Used most effectively, if females are taking a long while in a cubical, this comment will have them ‘flushed’ out in no time (pun intended) shortening your wait times. After all, pooing in a public place can cause extreme embarrassment for any defecating participate, especially a female.
Brendon: “I’ll BRB, just going to the toilet”
Cindy: “ok, do you need poopie support?”
Brendon: “nah I should be right”
Cindy: “well have some anyway just in case you feel the urge” (Cindy yells) “poopie support”
Brendon: “haha ok, thank you”
When a person falls down the stairs, but doesn't die.
Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.
Mom, can I come home? I got soupy poopy in the girl's bed!
A girl who wipes from back to front
Eww don’t ask me to go down on you when your vag smells like dookie. Straight porta potty pants. Keep that poopy cooch away from me
A boy/young man who dislikes the idea of fun and will always say something but never actually do it. He is usually of Human type but can be any micro organism such as bacteria and protoctist (However he must be eukaryotic).
Wow that boy is extremely snoopie poopie, his name is Sas