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The dumbass kid who sits in the back off class and fails every test but manages to pass.

β€œAlex! You’re slacking off again! You have F’s in every class!”

by Ben La Dumbass November 2, 2020

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A mister sir that is not good at not littering. He throws computers out the window and eats his couch for dinner. You do not want to mess with him!

Woah, Alex just ate my bed! Stop him immediately!

by Big Momma 81 October 26, 2018

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A very gay man that can easily get men with cocks to dick him down. Secretly has a crush on dumb niggas

He is really an alex

by Liberion June 13, 2019

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A homosexual

Damn Alex is lookin kinda homosexual today

by Tony the cat April 21, 2022

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a short male often with a small dick very tryhard in videogames

man I hate Alex

by bruh fart June 16, 2020

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alex is a bot who loves fortnite and knows he likes anna but he is such a player

alex who likes anna like fornite more

by albox2587 October 3, 2020

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A very grumpy old boomer man who enjoys raging at innocent kids in his class
He constantly scratches his head and in result, rains down dandruff on the desk behind him
He looks like a goldfish, but often looks instead like an angry penguin/bulldog.
I would describe him as a VERY scary person. thank you and please like our post

O: Alex is such an Alex!

T: What's an Alex?

no.2 :

Alex is such a rage monster!

by okboooomer March 13, 2020

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