An oversized, busted out vaginal cavity. Like a hot dog down a hallway. Decidedly not awesome. The "a" in Vadge and Cave are pronounced the same. Like "Cat" or "Hat".
"Bats flew out of her Vadge Cave when her legs flopped open. The stench was unimaginable."
a game in roblox paid access and minecraft like
You can fish, mine, cut trees
wanna play refinery caves 2?
Slang word for a womans vagina
That girls hot, I wonder what her "mystery cave" looks like
Becoming a room dweller when there is nothing else to do.
Start your cave gremlin arc. Live in your dark room and hiss and scuttle away when you see any light other than your lamp or phone screen. Begin gremlinmaxxing. Eat your mac&cheese straight out of the pot, don't bother putting it in a bowl. Never sleep, just become a more skinny and agile version of the revolting slob from crashbox.
An alternative term used for belly button.
He’s got some huge belly cave.
a grunger or fan of rock or metal that lives in caves, underground or lives like a hobo
my mates a cave grebo, he lives in under my house.
The home that multiple white people live in
Hey man. Can In hang out at you Cracker Cave tonight