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Kids vs. Wizards

Eng.: The worst Russian animated movie based on a very controversial book. An blatant xenophobic religious propaganda (read: non-Russians and magicians are evil), graphics and animation efforts are god-awful, the premise and plot are cliched and ridiculous, the overall message is warped, characters are forgettable and unrelatable, multiple blatant historical inaccuracies (read: Nazi camp in Scotland?!), bla-bla-bla. Five obvious reasons I could bother to say. Thank god the sequel never happened.

More like ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) vs. Harry Potter. Harry Potter is still awesome, though.

Rus.: Убогий российский анимационный фильм по очень неоднозначной книге. Банальная ксенофобская религиозная пропаганда (читай: нерусские и маги - зло), графика и анимация отвратительны, замысел и сюжет клишированы и нелепы, общий посыл искажен, персонажи забываемы и неуместны, множество вопиющих исторических моментов неточности (читай: нацистский лагерь в Шотландии?!), бла-бла-бла. Пять очевидных причин, которые я мог бы назвать. Слава богу продолжения не было.

Скорее РПЦ (Русская православная церковь) против Гарри Поттера. Но Гарри Поттер все равно прекрасен.

Kids vs. Wizards' infamous quotes:
Professor Kosh: Let's feed with lead pies! (Профессор Кош: Накормим свинцовыми пирогами!)
Elya: Shut up, Russian pig! (Эля: Заткнись, русская свинья!)

by Maxkatsur April 30, 2023

Barbecue wizard

Drinking challenge.
You drink your first can, then duck tape a new one ontop, repeat this process till your staff is one can heigher that you.
Rules: if you wander more than an arms distance away from your staff you have to untape it down it and attach a new one on. If you spill a single drop you have to untape it down it attach a new one and do a shot.
This challange is played over a barbecue.
When you complete your staff you have become the wizard.

We where doing the barbecue wizard last saturday and i was spilling the drink for the fun of it.

by Step lupid June 11, 2023

The Grand Wizard

A Klan leader who makes good ribs but bad descions

Did you try those dry rub ribs the Grand Wizard made?

by Coochiekingkeff March 14, 2022

1👍 1👎