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throw up junior

Small amounts of bile that comes into your mouth or back of the throat. The chances for this to occur increase after (1) eating or drinking acidic substances such as ornage juice (2) viewing or smelling something that would invoke the bodies gag reflex. Throw up junior is usually identified by a pungent, acidic taste in the back of the throat or mouth. Throw up junior does not involve the act of vomiting solids from the stomach.

This term was made popular by the movie super troopers. during the cast/writer commentary throw up junior is used to describe a scene in which Officer Rabbit experiences bile in the back of the throat while viewing a fellow officer being shot at in the testicles.

Justin: Ahhh I just had a throw up junior after drinking that orange juice.

by kcraigggg February 29, 2008

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Throw your cock

An attempt to have sexual relations with a person or animal.

See that bitch over there. Go throw your cock at her and see if she catches it.

by BostonTravis August 29, 2006

31πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Throw hands

She is bomb ass fuck she know how to fight she sexy ass hell even with out her hair done and he eyes and she a badass she will whoop y’all ass she cool a good best friend funny ass hell if she don’t like you she don’t like you she honest too

Throw hands

by LeeLee starks May 26, 2019

6πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

throwing it down in the kitchen

setting the expectations very high for a meal

I’m gonna be throwing it down in the kitchen, if you wanna come over for some food

by your.local.olive October 22, 2023

27πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Throwing up fours

Throwing up fours means that you are the biggest melon head alive. You have no bitches and will never get any. You are the guy who gets a girls number from your friend and proceeds to do nothing but stalk her for the rest of your life. You have 0 rizz and claim you have the smoothest game in the world when we all know you have NO GAME. You spend most of you life on the toilet with an iPad and your best friend... a pornhub premium subscription.

"Did you see Rico throwing up fours after soccer? I always knew he sat on the toilet with his iPad jerking off." " Bro get's no hoes man. I gave him this girls number and he's done nothing but stalked her for the past 5 weeks. He hasn't said a word and claims he has the smoothest game in the world." " Rico is literally on crack, bro gets 0 bitches."

by RainyNightnStoke November 1, 2022

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

throw down first

to snitch; to tattletale; to tell authorities the truth;

Don't tell Timmay any secrets...he'll throw down first.

by Xan E October 19, 2007

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

throw one back

means to have an alcohol beverage, to get drunk

After work Im going to throw one back.

by TCR215 March 2, 2007

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž