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Toni is a faggot who goes to St Andrews. She gets bullied and its funny. She is fat and ugly but she is smart.

Toni is in top set everything but she is a faggot.

by BigTing15 February 10, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tony Abbott

n. next Prime Minister of Australia

v. 1) to pull off a huge upset

2) to display hallmarks of rugged masculinity, despite rather grotesque appearance, often resulting in winning the appeal of others.

3) to be unsuitable attired for an occasion.

1) "dude, i totally tony abbott'd that exam"
2) "dude, whats up with that chick and that guy? How'd he tony abbott that broad?"
3) "the guy was wearing budgie smugglers to a wedding. what an abbott"

by rgdawg August 19, 2010

84๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fat Tony

The name of a famous underground rapper that Anthony Obi goes by in Houston (a.k.a. H-Town).

A few releases are: "Love Life", "The Creation of Fat Tony", and "Tipping Point + Fly 68 Presents: Fat Tony".

Fat Tony's songs reference "Rugrats", "Sonic The Hedgehog", and "The Bummy Teenagers".

Man 1: "Hey. D'you go see Fat Tony last night?"
Man 2: "Yeah, that shit was ill"
Man 1: "When is it not?"

by DisEngAgeD July 12, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tony Romo

The quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys who is actually pretty good when you look at the numbers. Many people love to hate him and often call him Tony Homo, which is ridiculous because he has dated some hot women such as Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson. I mean, you don't see people going around calling Ray Lewis Gay Lewis. People think he is full of himself but when watching him you can tell he is clearly not. So calm down and stop hating the guy.

Ignorant guy- Dude, Tony Romo is so fucking shitty. He sucks ass man.

Reasonable guy- Ok seriously dude, he's actually a solid qb. His numbers are good and he plays for a winning team.

by txhorns42 February 21, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tony Danza

A Tony Danza on Halo live is an assassination by way of punching a player in the back of their head. This is an instant death for the opposite player. When one gets a "tony danza" you must yell "Tony Danza!!!" over the microphone. Otherwise it will only be an assassination. This term comes directly from the original definition of a tony danza...

Tony Danza:
When you are giving it to a chick from behind, you yell out "Who's the boss?" She'll get confused, turn her head around, at this moment, you donkey punch her and then scream TONY DANZA!!!

-yo dude did you hear how many tony danza's i got last game?
-bro it must have been like 15?
-yea dude i got 13. the danza's were goin like crazy last game

by iceman0189 October 29, 2007

109๐Ÿ‘ 249๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tony Hawk

A cruddy skater (sorry, i don't like vert guys) who endorses/has endorsed pretty much every junk food in the USA, and has 6 video games named after him, and his nickname is Birdman. Creative, huh?

Video games- Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1,2,3,&4, Tony Hawk underground THUG2, tony Hawk's American Wasteland

by SlipKnoTSOAD April 21, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

tony blair

The unfunny side kick of that famous comedy double act Bush & Blair.
Where as George is a comic genius and everything he says or does has everybody crying with laughter, Tony is just rubbish. His idea of a joke is to pass laws to forbid displaying Christmas decorations in school in case it may offend a child who is not a Christian.
He is a worthless piece of shit, who is sending his country to the wall and the sooner we get rid of him the better!
When he does go the slimy bastard will give himself a knighthood so people will call him Sir when he goes on the lecture trail in the U.S.A.

Tony Blair...... "oh you can not say girl any more it is not Politically correct! You have to say female member of the human race or else you will go to prison."
Man....." FUCK OFF Blair you stupid cock sucker!"

by Subbaka January 13, 2007

42๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž