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Courtesy Clap

when you know you have the clap but you sleep with someone anyway because you hate them, thus passing on the clap, courtesy of you.

Bro 1: Man, I slept with Kendra last night
Bro 2: Dude She is such a bitch! Why would you go there?
Bro 1: Don't worry man, I gave her the Courtesy Clap, she won't be back.

by krystaljackson September 2, 2009

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ez clap

A vagina belonging to a particularly promiscuous individual

ez clap is also the nickname of Kelly's vagina

by ivotemyself4mvp September 19, 2022

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Clapped Out Shitbox

A truck bought by your mommy and daddy that’s got a shitty exhaust you can’t afford to fix. They would only pay for half the lift kit so you said fuck it and slapped it on the front with some 22’s.

There’s that’s faggot in his clapped out shitbox

by Not Supported By Mommy And Dad August 7, 2020

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can we clap

Means to have sex so loud that people assume you are clapping in the hallway

He: can we clap
She: oh no ! Not at all
He: its Christmas we should do it

by Feepeep December 25, 2021

Pac man clap

The act of spit roasting someone until they make a gagging sound reminiscent of Pac Man gobbling balls, whilst the cheeks provide the clapping sound

Oh man, I Pac Man clapped your mum hard last night, wacka wacka

by Kitten hauler July 17, 2021

shitty clap snapper

A girl who has a shitty vagina and carrys around the clap.

Shes gotta mean shitty clap snapper

by Youdontknowme1111 January 29, 2011

Give 'em the claps

When a person has done something so ridiculously stupid, that they need to be put back into place.

Josh didn't do his work again, SO Claps WILL GIVE 'EM THE CLAPS

by Clapsham March 5, 2020