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obviously, the opposite of a princess.
a woman who has lived in the real world, had to work hard for money, never had anything for free, has had a tough life and has had the scars to prove it

she's so hard, she's the anti-princess

by Realcyanide October 27, 2009

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Anti Vaxxer

Once upon a time, little Timmy did not like vaccines, he hates the needles. Little Timmy still hated them. He grew up and started the anti vaxx movement.

Stupid Timmy,is an anti Vaxxer.

Today my 2 month old died of measles, thank you anti vaxxers

by Ihatemyselflollollol May 9, 2019

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A deadly and cancerous disease that has spread throughout a subset of the population. Once you become afflicted, it stunts your brain cells, making sufferers severely incapacitated. The work for cures has been slow, and many families of Anti-sjw sufferers are left in struggling positions caring for their afflicted loved ones. Even though victims of this disease may be able to continue to function in society, some medical researchers record drastic and concerning temperament changes, making truly participating in mainstream society difficult.

Person A: My brother's become ill with a deadly disease. Family isn't sure how long his brain function will last.

Person B: I'm so sorry for your loss. What happened?

Person A: He's come down with Anti-sjw. It's been particularly virulent lately.

Person B: My condolences. My mother caught that two years ago. Hasn't been the same since.

by fagioli February 14, 2019

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Anti - War

adj. when used to describe a person's stance on war. The act of being against that which modern civilization is built on. The same person that goes to church every sunday and prays for a god in whose name we have been slaughtering muslims for thousands of years. And muslims have been killing christians in the name of their god for similair amounts of time. Anti-war sentiments are simply people denying that which makes them human and trying to change a wholy unalterable species. War is the building block of every good society and without it no one would be here today.

The french are anti-war pussy's that have shit for an army. Lets see how well they fair next time Germany attacks

by desktop_general March 21, 2003

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A person, who usually is an angsty, depressed goth/punk, who think s/he's cool because s/he wear shirts that say "You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same" and other assorted wear from Hot Topic or Torrid even though that makes them a hypocrite as those shops are just as brand-name as Abercrombie, GAP, or Old Navy. The people behind Hot Topic and Torrid are exactly like the people behind GAP and Old Navy: they laugh all the way to the bank as you unthinking, impressionable teens buy their over-priced clothing, and you become a walking billboard for Corporate America when you don their shoddy clothes, just like the "prep" clique you hate so much.

I think I'm sooo unique because I'm wearing a shirt from a company that tells me who I am. I am a sell-out.

by Eric Melech September 14, 2004

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People who will say the opposite of anything President Obama says. Regardless of any previous position on the issues.

If President Obama says water is wet, then Anti-O's say water is dry.

by novembermorning May 6, 2011

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anti smartania

A forum originally made for those who hate Smartania.

It was made to be taken seriously, but is a sad joke for several reasons:
1) The admin of anti smartania quickly forgot his own password and left forever.
2) The admins of Smartania were really the only ones there flaming Smartania. This was done as a joke and with exagerated leet-speak, caps-use, random japanese insertions etc.
They hoped that the smartania-defenders would catch up to the joke, but sadly they didn't and had to be told.
There are doubts as to wether the board was ever frequented by any Smartania haters but the long-lost admin.
3) In spite of points one and two, there are still people writing on the anti smartania board every once in a while, and none of it funny or clever, just sad really.

Posts on anti smartania, once a joke, now...

One of the early posts (Feb. 21, 2005):
"omg u r my ppl!!!! ~*kawaiistarrshyyne no miko*~, the same thing hapend 2 me wif my freind!!!! the smartmeanyia ppl were so meen 2 her beutiful fics!!!!!!! they were soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gud 2!!!!!!!! they were so meen she took dwon her wunderful gravitaon/malice mixer/harry poter/salor moon/friends crosover 4ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was RITE B4 tatusha and mana wer gonna have sex!!!!!!!!! now ill never no if snape ezcaped his abusiv relashunship with chandler 2 find TRU LUV in the arms of tuxido mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Later post (Nov. 5, 2006):
"Taco Taco Taco"

by Svataben December 9, 2006

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