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Ashe is a big simp for J and is normally trans and or gay

Ashe:Darling get up
Jamie: Ashe im not getting up unless you pick me up

by www.owlboi.com November 22, 2022


1. A beautiful girl, that is more likely than not a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.

2. Someones girlfriend that is 110% more perfect than the person lucky enough to call her theirs.

3. Could also be known as: Perfect, Beautiful Gay Motherfucker, Mluv.

"No one would ever even imagine being lucky enough to have Ashe as their girl"

"I wish I was as pretty as Ashe"

by psychoticRain November 25, 2024


shut the fuck up- no seriously, shut the fuck up. he is so hot oh my god i wanna tickle his little ashehole

Joe: yo ashe hows ur ashehole feeling
Ashe: my ashehole feelin a lil tingly right now baby

by I fucked a pussy that shit wet January 30, 2023


A silly but serious, chaotic but calm, Slytherin but Gryffindor type of NB. They have big ambitions but can't always focus for long enough to see them come to fruition. Ashe can be incredibly stubborn, but their heart is usually in the right place. They're 15 minutes late to every occasion and often have a scatterbrain, not by choice but by the convention of the lifestyle they live. They are an advocate of mental health, the LGBTQIA+ community, and an integral part of what keeps the community running. Ashe gives more than they get, wearing their heart on their sleeve, which leads them to get burned often. Even so, they continue to give the most that they can until they physically cannot.
Watch out for Ashe because one day they might be gone and you'll realize you took them for granted.

Noa: Have you seen Ashe today?
Kien: Yeah, I saw them volunteering at the donation booth on my way in.
Tre: Me too, I saw them on the third floor talking to admin earlier.
Noa: Man, oh, man. Ashe is just everywhere!

by undergroundomelette November 23, 2021


The best person to ever exist. very hot and beautiful. honestly gorgeous. the greatest person to ever exist. sometimes looks like a tomato. the face is usually an avocado. likes nerds with glasses. writes steamy romance stories about people. very cute. usually slightly depressed and needs to be checked up on from time to time. honestly, the best person to ever exist. great and kind friend. :D

Person 1: have you seen ashe today?
person 2: yeah, she is awesome! :D

by nomaleu February 21, 2023


ashe is the most amazing guy you’ll have the luck to know. he is incredibly kind, sweet, and caring. he will do anything for you, no questions asked, and then he’ll do even more than that. he has beautiful chocolate brown eyes that make your heart speed up when he’s looking at you. when he smiles, you want to do anything you can to make him do it again because he has a perfect smile. he has short, soft hair that makes him melt when you play with it. he is super flirty, bubbly, and touchy, but only with the ones special to him. otherwise, he is incredibly shy, quiet, and introverted. ashe is also crazy talented in anything he puts his mind to. he is always super funny and knows how to really make you laugh. you can’t help but smile when you’re around him. there’s something about him that’s so addictive, you just want to be around him all the time. he will also have a sensual effect on you. if you thought you had a libido before him, you didn’t. every time he’s around you, the tension is palpable. although he may seem innocent or naive, he’s secretly as filthy as you are, if not more. he knows how to have fun and he’s the best kisser you’ll ever meet. the way he kisses you will make you want to keep kissing him until your lips get sore. everything about him is so perfect that you wonder to yourself how he is attracted to you. but he’s not, because he’s attracted to me. he’s all mine.

ashe is the best boyfriend- no, husband- that you could ever ask for. you can’t ask for him, however, because he’s mine.

by ashesgf August 15, 2022


the best person ever, she's so cute and cool and she has to forgive me :(

omg ashe is so talented, and she builds on mobile:)

by iiiSxphie June 25, 2021