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Likes minors

Eww it’s austin

by Noah's Lucky Babe March 25, 2019


The only thing he’s good at is jerking off for hours at a time

Hey I pulled a Austin last night !

by The bigguy01 February 10, 2020


Is probably on of those guys who has a small redhead gay guy who has a tiny penis, is a squeaker and only plays Fortnite with a soccer skin.

Guy 1: have you seen Austin?
Guy 2: do you mean that annoying red head?
Guy 1: Yes that one

by Yeetman69420360 April 15, 2020


An extremely Gay child who is very bad at the game of Bedwars. He is often compared to his talented sexy amazing epic counterpart, Cloudekuu. Austinbob really enjoys his horses, if you know what I mean.

Have you heard of that guy named Austinbob? yea! apparently he is in love with a guy named Aaron.

by cloudekuu September 23, 2019


A blonde boy who loves a certain blonde girl, he is truly in love with her

Austin is in love with Akira.

by Creamcreamcreamycream November 4, 2021


Austin is a handsome guy but doesn't play video games.Austin usually dates a Elizabeth or Emma

Austin is adorable.

by Bethany Carol November 17, 2020


Austin is a sweet guy,charming,handsome and all around a awesome guy.Austin usually dates a woman named Elizabeth or Emma.He usually has blue eyes.

girl 1:did you see Austin.
girl 2:what about him?
girl 1:he's so good in bed.

by Bethany Carol November 17, 2020