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Bad Grades

Something you get in school, makes you feel like shit and can even make someone commit suicide. Really Bad, don’t get bad grades

He got bad grades and he was depressed and killed himself so sad.

by SecondClassBsian June 24, 2022

Bad Friend

1.A bad friend is your friend that just becomes your friend to make more, and ditches you in the end (like all my friends ;-;)
2. Your friend ignores you and pretends that you're not friends.
3. A friend who is mean to you all the time and says that "it's just a joke!" Yeah, right.

Example: You know what, Dakota? You're a really bad friend!

by yourleastfavoriteperson March 4, 2019

Bad friend

Someone who hypes there friend up even when they are looking a mess and then that will encourage that friend to keep looking a mess because you are hyping them up.

Your a bad friend because you hyped me up even when I was looking a mess

by Speak facts allll dayyy son June 17, 2019

Bad bean

Adjective: Used to describe somebody who is NOT a good bean, e.g. is unbased, uncool, and not good. Somebody may be referred to as a bad bean after they do something bad.

You banged my mom? Wtf, you are such a BAD BEAN!

by dumb jsjsj September 19, 2022

Bad Beaw

awisha beaw takes away my poo because im a bad beaw, and gives me two poo bawws a day

pete turn off the poo generator, only two poo baww a day, noah beaw was being a Bad Beaw

by NATURES_PROVIDER September 28, 2020

Bad Noah

Beware, Bad Noah appears at first sight to be a regular Noah. But don't be fooled, under intelligent caring persona he is a calculating philanderer.

Bad Noah will make sure you can't sit down the next day, and you'll still thank him for it.

Bad Noah will use every trick in the book to convince you that only you can save him from dispare.

Bad Noah has nailed every female you know. Even your Mum.

Debbie: I would let Bad Noah wreak me, and I'm not even ashamed.

by TheGoldenGlitch September 14, 2021

badness in a box

Sweet. Double Awesome. Over the top excellent. When something additionally great happens after already expecting something good. Origin: Marion, Ohio c. 1987

Your parents let you stay over and you brought some Rold Gold pretzels? Badness in a box!

by unkumpfortable June 22, 2014