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Full Body Blowjob

A woman places her boobs on either side of a man's balls and holds on to his torso with her hands. She begins a regular blow job but moves her chest in unison with her mouth providing an experience so good that it can cause temporary memory loss and distortion of reality.
*Current standard blowjob to FBB exchange rate is 3:1

I was just sitting on the couch as she took off her shirt and started giving me an Full Body Blowjob so fucking amazing it made my brain glitch. I forgot my name and started hearing colors!

by BrainGlitchGuy July 4, 2022


a slang word used in australia, when a person blows into another person’s bellybutton

person 1- could you give me a blowjob
person 2- lift up your shirt :)

by eddieisthebest September 11, 2020


Ask your mother you pervert she should know very well and tell you how to do it right.

Sorry tom I didn't know it was your wife I gave a blowjob to, I thought it was your daughter.

by Willow._.The._.Angel May 26, 2019


when a man gets you all naked and hot and they bend down and they suck and blow

jack gave John a huge fucking blowjob

by timmy the fat nigger February 9, 2022


Blowjob or demolition job is a job where you blow up various buildings.

Someone: What's your job?
Me: I do blowjobs.
Someone: Wow, that must be fun!

by JesusIsLord🛐 February 21, 2022


Putting a dick on your mouth and sucking it until it cums.

Boss: So this is your schedule. Lunch break 1-2, blowjob time at 2:30...
Secretary: Excuse me?
Boss: Yes, your salary includes giving me a daily blowjob, if i cum that’s $20 dollars more and if it turns into sex just prey I have a condom because I’ll fuck you hard.

by cumqueenmoan May 2, 2021


(v), (n); the act of sucking or using the mouth in order to pleasure a man's cock.

(v); "I earned a blowjob last night for playing rough."

(n); "I literally blow jobbed a man last night ..."

by swuishy December 3, 2021