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A bully is gonna be someone that is gonna try ruining your life. But be strong because whe all now your the best your pretty smart and funny. And everybody wants too be you. Shine and don’t listen to the haters be yourself with pride

She is such a bully
She is my bully

by Go girl/boy February 7, 2022


A bully is generally named keira who will bully anyone for no reason, just because she is a bully

caleb: that person was bullying me
everyone: Must be a keria

by Carrot crunchers November 4, 2019


A really kind person. They're the type that everyone likes because of their sweet and humorous personality. They can make friends with almost anyone and will probably use the 😍 emoji frequently.

"What a bully, I can't believe she'd do something like that!"

"You need to stop with the bullying, it's getting out of hand, especially with that party you planned last weekend. Honestly."

by cactus camel April 5, 2022


my school have sum bullies they say that they are not a bully but they are aderi jayden amar blah blah blah alot of them i can assassinate them but i need a client so it can be legit bye 4 now

bully is someone who hurt you physically or mentally

hurt people hurts people

by that sad kid June 24, 2019


A Rockstar game made by Rockstar Vancouver in 2006. Which was banned in Brazil for being "potentially harmful" for teens and adults. Bully was named Canis Canem Edit in some parts of Europe but still showed kids get beat up..?

Jack: Have you ever played bully?

John: No, but maybe I'll get it since I hear it's a good game.

by bestboy. July 28, 2022


when you say a girl in a wheel chair is your wife and calling her hot wheels

i'm such a bully hanna is my wife and she is a hot wheel

by rhakansbs November 26, 2021


There are bullies in the world almost everyone is a bully except Jimmy Hopkins

I played the game Bully

by Thedumplingman February 16, 2022