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Teenage Fever

teenage fever is a album from johnny orlando and it’s such a good album that u should go listen to.

fan: hey have you listened to teenage fever yet?
friend of fan: no

fan: well u should it’s such a good album

by john orlandos whore August 17, 2019

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Yellow Fever

You have an absolute fetish for Asian women, usually Japanese from watching to much anime and manga. The term was formed from a game on Steam called "Huniepop". Usually the only cure is to hook them up with an Asian girl.

Jeff has been watching to much of Thean1meman and I think he has yellow fever.

by DARK5 March 2, 2015

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Raccoon Fever

Slang -
a. sexually aroused

b. provoking or intended to provoke sexual arousal

c. sexually eager or lustful

"The girl who sits next to me in sign language has raccoon fever for our teacher."

by wolfganggetfucked June 4, 2011

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Canary Fever

Noun. When a white or black American is stuck on dating only small petite Asian women to the point of ignoring every other woman.

Tom has been trying to date Kieko for the last six months. He has canary fever something bad.

by Gonasian July 26, 2011

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cubical fever

A form of cabin fever suffered by office drones, especially on very nice days.

Where's Suzie?
Oh, she had to go for a walk to fight off the cubical fever.

by SupremeGoddess January 19, 2012

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Forest Fever

when a non-white female exclusively dates white men. Opposite of Jungle Fever or Yellow Fever

"Ji Yoon only dates white guys, I think she's come down with Forest Fever"

by wordmaster 5000 March 6, 2016

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Bieber Fever

In Modern Warfare 3 the use of the predator drone became known as Bieber fever. Killing millions just as J.Bieber him self.

Hey guys I've got 5 kills in a row I'm going to drop some Bieber fever on them.

by XX1YoloSwag1XX December 21, 2013

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