Source Code

National No Homo Day

This day will take place Saturday, October 26, 2019. This grants anyone participate in homosexual acts with their homies and not be required to say no homo.

Alex: Sean it’s National no homo day, you already what we’re doing!
Sean: Yo bro let’s have gay sex!!!
Alex: *moan*

by Guy in need of coochie October 26, 2019

128πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

No Go Homo

No Go Homo is a bill stating that homosexual marriage should be banned..this bill is awaiting to be passed by a group of students in 1st period government.

Danny (the gay boy): what should this bill be called?

Jenna: NO GO HOMO!

by Jenna.B! April 24, 2008

3πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Angry Homo Kid

A soon-to-be YouTube Star promoted by Dylan F (bluessummer).

Dylan stole a YouTube video from Angry Homo Kid, and called him a homo. The next day, Angry Homo Kid made a video response expressing his anger for this 'theft', and his feelings for being called a homo. This video became extremely popular, and he later released a "Stop Calling Me a Homo" video after hundreds of comments calling him a homo.

Damn you Dielan! DAMN YOU TO HELL!

Man! You see this Angry Homo Kid on youtube yet??

by bluessummer April 3, 2009

240πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Ben The Big Homo

Ben is the biggest homo youll ever meet like he will annoy u until eternity ends then he will decieve u to go to his house then fuck u.

oh look its Ben The Big Homo

by alljerrysincages2020 September 17, 2020

27πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Another name for a Homo-sexual. Derived from the Latin for 'Faggot' or 'Gay'.

Zara is Homo-genderual.

by This Boss Pseudonym August 9, 2011

4πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Homo Pie

When a person is so gay, that they actually dislike themselves, and to an extension all other gay people similar, but however make an effort to still have sexual relationships with gay men, while at the same time, maintaining that they are 'homophobic, and not gay.' Ones who are recently out of the closet are most likely to be homo pies, simple because they are trying something new and they are affraid. However, not all homo pies are newcomers to the gay community, sometimes it can be a person who has not even admitted to themsleves they are gay yet, but still hold a great deal of homo pie charactoristics.

Example 1:
Did you see that fag in there? What a homo pie!

Example 2:
Randy: Ew, get away from me you fag, i dont want your AIDS!
Johnson: Shutup you fucking homo pie! i know youv'e fucked Tim before, so dont start!

Example 3:
My teacher refuses to tell us about homosexual intercourse because he says its 'messed up,' but hes not fooling anyone; hes clearly gay. Hes such a Homo pie

by Yalts March 30, 2008

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Homo Head

A Fag with a homosexual head and likes to watch men put pineapples in their asshole for a turn on.

"Whooah, that Homo Head is a such a wanker. Look at him wathcing them pineapples!"

by A.Somebody October 4, 2008

3πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž