Source Code

Locker room joke

A typical sick joke heard in a men's locker room,such as a football locker room,or while men or boys are getting dressed for gym class.

Kenny,Kevin,Uriah,Harun,Jamie,Matt,Robert,William,Jim,and Tom were all victims of locker room jokes when they were in high school; they would often be told they stunk in both the gym locker room and the football locker room.

by JMC70 December 7, 2016

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Mush in my room

The code phrase for doing Magic Mushrooms

Hey, wanna mush in my room later?

Hey, Mush, Get in my room later on?

by Da Shroom King August 21, 2010

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Poo Poo room

Something Matt Rose said in his video โ€œSiri replying to bodily noisesโ€

โ€œItโ€™s morbin time!โ€
โ€œPoo Poo room is a catโ€™s litter box, especially one with a hoodโ€

by sadfdsgasgfd October 9, 2023

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bed room cardboard

Bed room cardboard is when you cum onto your (or someone elses) bed sheets and leave to dry resulting in hard and crispy bed sheets

I forgot to clean up after i finished jerking last night. Hope my mom dont see all my Bed Room Cardboard

by Ska Face92 June 29, 2008

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too cool for the room

Describes someone who states dislike of that which is popular or sucessful while supporting somehting more obscure in an attempt to appear "deep" or "in touch."

Jim doesn't like Aerosmith, he says that Stone Kotex is a much better rock band. He's just being too cool for the room.

by BoilerCharlie October 12, 2008

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Green Room Bitch

called out to people as an insult, meaning more than just a bitch. In some extreme cases, "Green Room Bitch" could be used and shortened to "Green Room B" or "Green Room" as a greeting or a kind gesture.

Insult - "What the fuck was that for you Green Room Bitch!

Greeting - "Sup ma' Green Room B"
- "Sup ma' Green Room"

Seb walks by.....
Smit is sitting down

Smit: Sup Seb
Seb: Sup my Green Room B

Dyet is effing around
Callan and Seb = Victims

Dyet: Hahaha - take that!!
Seb: Errr you Arab, what gives?
Callan: What the fuck was that for you Green Room Bitch!

by I R FISH February 20, 2008

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Boom Boom Room

A less than par gentlemens entertainment destination located in Tahoka, Texas. This small establishment just south of Lubbock, Texas, houses some of the dirtiest females within a 300 mile radius. Many of them have had Cesarian Sections and bear the scars as such, or are lactating from their most recent child birth. If you are not careful, you will catch your death at Boom Boom Room.

Dude, lets go to Boom Boom Room.

Nah man, I'm cool.

No seriously lets go to Boom Boom, my buddy said he saw a hot girl there the other night.

You are so full of shit.

by CrazyRaider2k? January 27, 2008

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