Raw food lifestyle book, titled 'The Raw 50'. Written in 2007 by supermodel and actress Carol Alt; following her breakout success: Eating in the Raw. Carol presents easy, everyday raw food recipes, more stories, and new information.
Usually used in reference to private school girls in Australia who are trying to get thin for formal.
If you take me to formal, you're guaranteed to get the raw 50.
Raw food lifestyle book, titled 'The Raw 50'. Written in 2007 by supermodel and actress Carol Alt; following her breakout success: Eating in the Raw. Carol presents easy, everyday raw food recipes, more stories, and new information.
Usually used in reference to private school girls in Australia who are trying to get thin for formal.
If you take me to formal, you're guaranteed to get the raw 50.
Raw food lifestyle book, titled 'The Raw 50'. Written in 2007 by supermodel and actress Carol Alt; following her breakout success: Eating in the Raw. Carol presents easy, everyday raw food recipes, more stories, and new information.
Usually used in reference to private school girls in Australia who are trying to get thin for formal.
If you take me to formal, you're guaranteed to get the raw 50.
Eating the last piece of cheese at the end of a Raclette dinner without any potatoes or sides.
OMG Fabio, are you really about to Swiss raw dog the remaining cheese?!
When you are trying to get the attention of a girl but she barely acknowledges you.
Joe: Hey April whats up?
April: Whatever.
Joe: Why do you always give me a raw signal?
When juices from your butt are acidic and cause your butt hole to be itchy and sore for days, sometimes prompting the use of Vaseline or Neosporin. Not to be confused with the weekly WWF (WWE) programming that aired weekly on Monday nights in the 90s.
“Man, my butt is raw is war today”. Jeremy explained.
“Like the old WWF programming?” Asked Alan.
“Kinda, butt stinkier” explained Jeremy.