Jesus Perez is a guy who does not like to be called the real Jesus only jesus. He is really kind and will always be by your side. He might not be attractive but does have girls behind him. He is very smart and will not just help u but will give u answers. He will always try to make u smile and will always cheer u up.
Jesus: Hey there need some help
Kiesha: Yes
Jesus: I will not help u I will give u the answers
Kiesha: Thnx
Jesus: NP
Jesus Perez is smart
A woman who freely gives men blow jobs and then in her shame and guilt, yells it out in public places to justify her crazy basic bitch behavior.
Jesus's bitch almost got me caught up with my wife last night at the bar.
When you wake in the middle of the night really needing a glass of water and there's just a bottle right in your reach. It's like a whole other drink because it's just there if you need it
I've just had the most amazing glass of Jesus Water
When your mans boner is so long that it is considered holy.
Lemme see your sweet Jesus Boner
Is a man who deals in the trap life, but hold to higher morals and standards.
Trap Jesus said he ain't smoking dope with anyone under 23, because they need to get out the traphouse and go to college.
God himself, embodied into a profile picture of jouta kujo and brings holiness upon the land.
"man, how did joe finally get laid?"
"nobody knows, we can only thank ass Jesus"