Source Code

Life is Short

Justification for any morally questionable behavior.

"Did you just throw acid in that child's face?"

"Life is short."

by T. Barr July 11, 2008

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Loof Life

Loof - Derived from the word Loop, The downtown Chicago business district where the CTA "L" trains loop. However Loof Life is a posse / movement / lifestyle that no one can replicate. They think they can and others may perceive them as doing so, but they aren't.

Loof Life - Shreddin the loop on beers, spliffs and other mind alters. Preferably after sunset.

Ain't no party like a Loof Life party.

"Loof Life Tonight?"

"Dude Loof Life every night. Loof Life went so hard last night I woke up with handcuffs, a rolled ankle and some crack head's granny panties."

by Loyal Loofer December 3, 2013

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Omegle No Lifes

The guys with no life, that go on Omegle all day in search of chatting with girls. Usually begins conversations with 'Sex?', 'Hey girl' or some other remark asking gender first. If the Stranger reveals he is a boy, the Omegle No Life immediately disconnects

Typical conversation w/ Omegle No Lifes

Stranger: asl?
You: 13.M.ca

Stranger:hey babe
Stranger:i have a yu-gi-oh collection you know.. over 300 cards!
You: the fuck?...

by your-stalker April 16, 2009

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Soft Life

The act of simply living a life with less stress, worry, and concern. Making better decisions that benefit your overall well-being. You don’t prioritize fitting in, following trends, your just here to live your divine purpose.

My health is more important than stressing over how much money I’ll make doing this job, I live a soft life.

I don’t care if everybody wakes up 6am to go for a jog, I want to sleep in, I live a soft life.

by Bae Harden September 11, 2022

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trife life

the life of crime.


this trife life got me livin like an animal

by MYTH58 September 13, 2008

264πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


A life-noob (a.k.a lifenoob, lifenub, and other l33tspeak variations) is a person who cannot handle, cope with, or live in the real world. They often turn to "living on the net", and prove their worth by playing immersive games such as MMORPG's. While they often master such environments by rapidly advancing to the highest level, they're lack of understanding of society and community usually make them appear to be immature 12 year olds with no command of any language (not even l3375p34k).

While he often said it to people in real life, it was first posted on the 'net in a comical thread within the forums of the MMORPG entitled "The Matrix Online". The original poster was (me) wwWizard2k (I claim the coinage of this word, it's not here, or on a basic google search =P), who had lost his cool at the lack of community, and decided to rant off some advice to his peers with a Sunscreen parody.

"Don't congratulate or berate yourself in this game. Your choices are half chance, and in the end, we're all a bunch of life-noobs who can't go outside."

by wwWizard2k August 24, 2005

49πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Is This Real Life?

N. A term used when something redunkulous just happened. Generally used when one is in complete shock and can't put into words what they are thinking.

N. A term used when something really good happened and one is extremely happy. Substitute for OMG, Seriously?, or Are you kidding me?

Kristen: He just blocked me on Facebook.
Sarah: Why??
Kristen: He said I was a creeper..
Sarah: Is this real life??? You freaking hate him!
Kristen: That's what I'm sayin!

Bentley: Farrah, I've liked you since we met in 7th grade. I have been scared to tell you my feelings because I didn't want to lose you..
Farrah: Is this real life? I've always loved you too!

by sunshine53 July 24, 2011

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