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Mr. Carter

A song by Lil Wayne that also features Jay-Z, both of which have the last name of Carter. The song is asking about where "Mr. Carter" has been, and both of them reply that they have been around the world, and back again.
Wayne is making his 3peat in this album, while Jay-Z has been in a retirement stage for a few years.

Speaker: "Hey Mr. Carter"
Jay-Z/Lil Wayne : "Hello"
Speaker: "Tell me where you been"
Jay-Z/Lil Wayne: "You know"

by Prequel2TheCquel July 31, 2008

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mr jones

A character mentioned in a Bob Dylan song, no one knows who he is besides Bob Dylan himself. Evidence that no one but Dylan himself knows this can be found in the Counting Crows song "Mr. Jones" where the narrarator wants to be Bob Dylan to understand who this mysterious Mr Jones is.

Do you, Mr Jones
Now you see this one-eyed midget
Shouting the word "NOW"
And you say, "For what reason?"
And he says, "How?"
And you say, "What does this mean?"
And he screams back, "You're a cow
Give me some milk
Or else go home"
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones

by D A Freestyle November 5, 2007

39๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. Brightside

Someone who knows his girlfriend is cheating on him, or at least messing around with a bunch of other guys, but chooses to ignore it because he can't resist her.

Made popular by The Killers's song, "Mr. Brightside."

"Dude, Jeffery's girl is over there making out with some guy! Does he know about it?"

"Yeah, but he's a Mr. Brightside, so he just ignores it."

by Allison Silsbee November 8, 2009

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Mr Blue

Someone who doesnt give a rats ass about anyone. He however has the abillity to socialize and interact with everyone, regardless of race, gender or social backround.

I dont get it, does he know those guys ! They look like trouble. Man he's Mr Blue dont worry about it.

Were never getting into this place, where is Mr Blue ?

I cant understand these farmers, ask mr Blue to Translate.

by Mr T i T September 6, 2009

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Mrs Scott

A psycho bitch who likes to torture people.

Miguel: Woah Pablo, how'd you end up in a wheel chair?

Pablo: Mrs Scott!!

Miguel: Watch out, I heard she knows our dealer...

by mexicanhouseparty420 January 28, 2014

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Mr. November

One who used to be carried in the arms of cheerleaders.
Used by The National in one of their songs.

"I wont f**k us over, I'm Mr. November"

by SnitchDog July 22, 2008

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Mr Worldwide

Sexiest man alive

Oh boy, Mr Worldwide is pretty hot

by Mr Worldwide's biggest fan UwU April 2, 2020

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