Source Code

noob juice

the red fluid that flows out of a noobs when you nipe them.

dude, that noob got noob juice all over the place when i got him with that headshot.

by batman5213 November 22, 2009

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Noob Tube

The Grenade Launcher attachment for all Assault Rifles (Except MP44) in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Stupid Noob Tube whore!!!!

by Fertro May 31, 2008

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noob tube

gay expression used by people in call of duty when they are tremendously embarassed by getting owned by a grendade launcher. If you get jealous, use it urself retard

When somebody in cod gets embarassed about getting shot by a grenade launcher, they get jealous and start to make fun of the person who owned them by saying "NOOB TUBE!"

by bluedevils1206 December 23, 2009

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Noob Combo

A weapon combination discovered in Halo 2.

The noob combo consists of a plasma pistol and a battle rifle. The user would charge the pistol up and fire it on the opponent. The green blast follows and homes in on the target making escape unlikely. This causes the victims shield to be stripped and then the noob combo users quickly switches to the battle rifle and shoots the victim in the head, causing a instant kill (even if the user misses the head, it only takes a 2nd shot anywhere on the body to finish the victim off).

the Noob combo is used by just as you would expect, noobs. Typically the people using it suck with the legit weapons and want a unfair advantage against their opponents. It eventually got to the point where players would immediately set off to find the 2 needed weapons as soon as a match would start... Thus ruining the Halo 2 experience for many legit gamers.

Noob combo was also used to spawn kill quite often. Despite its overwhelming frustration, the noob combo is possible to beat. The best method is to quickly duck behind a wall or object and once the blast misses, quickly kill the noob while he's charging back up. Its not uncommon to see someone resort to using a noob combo to beat a noob combo user. Fight fire with fire. Or in this case, noob with noob.

In Halo 3, the noob combo was fixed with the simple change of making the plasma blast not home in on opponents. Now the noobs are forced to use real tactics and play fair.

Noob Combo player: eye 0wned yu

Legit Player: you used noob combo you dumb nub

by Proem March 8, 2010

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Noob Launcher

ONe of the most n00biest guns to be used in Counter-Strike. Buy combination is B-5-1. Used by noobs who think big a55 guns are the best. Although it has great burst rates it is still ment for noobs.


by Freidrich February 19, 2005

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Noob Tubing

The act of shitting in someone's mouth after they have passed out at a party.

Guy 1: Did you see zach at the party?

Guy2: Yeah, I saw someone Noob Tubing him....

by Sebekeron January 24, 2012

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doob noob

A doob noob is someone who is a noob at smoking doobies. Doob noobs inevetably end up juicing up your spliff with their big lips making it unpleasant to smoke, or if you roll filter-less doobs pinch off airflow completely making the doob impossible to smoke without modification.

Who's the doob noob who juiced the spliff.

Filter-less doobs are not for noobs.

by MC Redy February 19, 2011

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