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Daria Danciu

Stiu că sunt nașpa dar tu esti cea mai ok.

by DAriaBanciu October 4, 2018


This version of "ok" prrtty much means "i don't care"

Friend: *posts daisy ridley picture*
Me: ok

by John_A_ February 26, 2020


A word commonly used by Cosa on discord after somebody says something or posts a picture.

Me: Posts an epic meme
Cosa: ok

by CosaFan123 November 12, 2019




by Ok90362972 November 17, 2019


An easy response when online. Synonymous with: Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking cunt. Shut the fuck up. You're a stupid cunt, suck my dick. I just want to let you know, you're a stupid fucking cunt. Go ahead and run your mouth, pussy, I don't give a fuck. You're a stupid piece of shit, you're a stupid fucking bitch. Get the fuck up off my dick, like, please end your fucking life, I really gotta emphasize, no one cares if you're alive. You're a fucking penis-hole, grab a dick and eat it whole. I need to know if you were dropped when you were just a fetus though. You're so fucking ugly and your face is fucking foul. Jeez you're so fucking loud. Can you shut your fucking mouth. Can you shut the fuck up. Close your fucking mouth, you're just really fucking dense. If you hate me, why you talking? You don't make no fucking sense. Got a sad life, go to fucking hell. Are you stupid or disabled, man, I can't fucking tell. You're a fucking dumb shit, you don't even run shit. Get the fuck up out of my face and go to hell and eat a dick. Come and catch these hands, boy. Come and match these bands, boy. I'm not crazy, I just do it all because I can, boy. I hope you fucking die in a high-speed car crash. I hope you fucking fall head-first and get your neck cracked. I hope you have some beautiful children that die from cancer. I hope you catch Zika when your wife gets pregnant. I hope you win the lottery and die the next day. And your daughter has to see you getting lowered in your grave.

Person a: Who else is here from TikTok? 😅🖐
Person b: Ok.

by gyfd January 9, 2022



ok lili boy

by sdfghjkl;lkjhgvhjuhbgh November 23, 2024




by Papifernan3 September 20, 2020