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columbian bull frog

the act of stomping on one's testicles with golf, football, or baseball cleets while the said person is lying on the ground, perferably cement.

while john was lying on cement, ben stomped on his testicles with his baseball cleets inducing a columbian bull frog

by kanyewasright June 13, 2010

6👍 2👎

Ended Up at Bulls

When a plan that was going smoothly ends in a trashy disaster.

"I was studying very well, then I Ended Up at Bulls" "This girl and I were having a great night, and then we Ended Up at Bulls" "This girl in class leaned over and asked if I was the really good dancer at Bulls 2 days ago, and that is when I found out I Ended Up at Bulls on Thursday"

by PKT March 23, 2018

Georgia Bull Dog

When you take a fat shit on a women's head and she rubs it in like a Nutella commercial.

I ran into my step sister doing the Georgia Bull Dog while taking her zoom classes

by Meltonis January 29, 2023

killa da bull

You are special, so For you and only you , I’ll do it.

For you, I killa da bull

by Albrigi June 2, 2021

the red bull hour

That time of day when, all of a sudden, your pet, or a person, gets a sudden, almost volcanic, burst of energy. The red bull hour does not require the consumption of red bull.

It always gets to be around 7pm when my dog Frank will hit the red bull hour and will run screaming around the garden like the devil is on his tail. After the red bull hour Frank is always ready to go to bed for the night.

by wife of Keith John January 25, 2012

riding the mechanical bull

What Gerard Way did to get on the cover of Spin magazine. Once mentioned in an interview.

Friend 1: “What did Gerard Way do you get on the cover of Spin Magazine?”
Friend 2: “He rode the mechanical bull, he mentioned in an interview how he was very good at riding the mechanical bull”
Friend 1: “Oh That’s cool!”

by frankierosguitar_ September 12, 2020

alaskan angry bull

the act where you fuck a girl from behind. After a few seconds, hold on to her real hard and whisper in her ear: ''i have syphillis''The goal is then to keep your dick inside her and attempt to stay mounted while the animal attempts to buck off the rider.

eight full seconds to count as a qualified ride.

variant form of alaskan dragon

hey dude i just pulled an alaskan angry bull on my hookup from last night

really? did you qualify?

you know i did!


*high five*

by ski_ April 6, 2016