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National Beating your Son Day

National Beating your Son Day is August 15. This day is the day you tell little Brodigan to go get you a beer and break his Xbox for getting that terrible Modelo beer and not a real manโ€™s beer

โ€œIโ€™m so excited for National Beating your Son Day!โ€ -FishyLegend (Freak King)

by Crxfic August 16, 2024

John&son pizza

A pizza place that you expect will be run by a friendly family, but no one by that name actually works there

Dude, i stopped by that place John&son pizza but there was no one named John and no sons worked there . It's not a family run place.

by Fmadethis October 31, 2020

Get your son canes day!

On August 28th it is Get Your Son Canes Day!!

"hey dad,did u know today u have to get me canes since it is Get your son canes day!"

by CHAPALALA August 26, 2022

Our son

An extremely attractive male that pulls major pussy and e girls. Great footballler and leader

Paul1: our son at the scissor sisters. Boss and girls are lovely

Paul2: brilliant son banana peel run son yes our sun

by Wickedson01 April 28, 2022

Fortunate Sonning

When receiving fellatio, the recipient spreads the legs of the giver and partially lifts them in order to spin them around in a manner similar to a helicopter's blades.

John: "How did you break your nose?"
Fred: "I fucked up while trying Fortunate Sonning with my girlfriend."
John: "Yikes."

by WordofTheFalcon July 3, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Son of a Lannan

The future god of memes...

1Are you the son of a lannan!!!

2theres only one way to find out ..... must out meme the impossible Lazarbeam.....

by Icemasterkevin (YT) November 14, 2019

"Son of a Loli" Challenge

An extremely dangerous social challenge. Ones who's consequences are not fully understood; nor recorded. You walk up to the cutest boy you know and pick a verbal fight by looking him straight in his big beautiful eyes, and with nothing buy jealous hatred in you heart say to him "You Son of a Loli".

Dang, Can you believe that Jay Z did the "Son of a Loli" Challenge to Justin Timberlake?!

by Gemini Virtue August 8, 2021