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tard rag

Rag or towel often chain-linked to a retard's neck. Used for preventing the constant ruining of said retard's wardrobe due to excessive drooling.

Gross! That helmet-kid's tard rag is totally soaked!

by mofonutz August 26, 2006

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Bubba Tard

A "Bubba Tard" is defined by an uneducated idiot that usually resides in small towns throughout America.

They can be easily identified by there apparent fear of Obama and a certainty of government conspiracies. They also have a strong odor of ass and armpit, and have invested a life savings in tattoos.

They are prominently Caucasian, but this isn't a limiting factor. Their likes are, raised trucks, T top camaros, pit bulls, and Duck Dynasty.

The Bubba Tard is usually harmless, but there has been events of senseless violence recorded, such events are usually limited to domestic issues. (wife beating)

The Bubba Tard also has a compulsive fascination with guns, usually assault weapons of some sort which He/She uses to kill innocent animals for sport.

The Bubba Tard condition can usually be cured by an education at an accredited institution, this does not include trade schools of any kind. It is important to remember that not all Bubba Tards can be cured, some are just terminally stupid.

Man in Walmart, "Did you know congress is trying to take away all your rights!"

Other Man in Walmart, "You Sir are a F**KEN Bubba Tard, now get away from me, YOU STINK AND I'M GOING TO PUKE"

by pescadore December 30, 2014

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The type of person who does not know they spent part of their paycheck on something that was mass produced and sold with a fancy name to get them to spend part of their paycheck on pills. Like a hippie, but dumber and more prone to drug addiction.

Observant Asshole-That E-tard asshole won't even be able to finish a syllable soon if he keeps on at the rate he's going.

by Solid Mantis September 19, 2018

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derives from the term {retard it's not PC but merely refers to somebody socially undeveloped- sometimes it's needed! you people know who you are!! Oh and it also means to be late tardy but I prefer the first expression.

"erm no sorry I don't do tards"
"do you have to be so tarded??"

by Sasha November 11, 2004

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One who thinks lizard eggs may have crawled up one's ears while they are sleeping leading to a minute amount of pain in lower left ear lobe.

Natasha Abbot would be an excellant example a common everyday tard.

by Joe Momma August 30, 2004

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fag tard

I person who is so gay that they have to be at least 46.7% retarded or else they're just a fag. Also can be used to give to an enemy, or someone loathed.

Damn that Hitler! He's such a fag tard

by Vincent Bondage August 20, 2006

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When a person is both gay and retarded at the same time.

Gay-tarded male: Do you want to go out sometime?
Other male: I don't roll that way, man.
Gay-tarded male: What do you mean...? (confused look)
Other male: You're gay-tarded!

by computer*geek July 6, 2006

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