Saying you are actually going to hangout but the real intention was to fuck
I had a dream last night
What was it about
I was chill with bill
Bitch wtf
An understatement of the most annoying, disgusting, vile, horrific thing the entire universe has or will ever produce.
Bill Dumb.
When you are a ginger who is 4 years old with the name of Wade.
Did u see bill green playing Mario on his Ds?
Used in the DIY Punk community to describe a gig with more than a couple touring/big bands
Did you see the show that just got announced!? It's a fucking STACKED BILL mate !
Bill Yates AKA Kentucky Brawler is from a small town in the state of Kentucky.
Bill is professional fighter and a union boilermaker/welder
Bill started training at age 26 years old this kick started his amateur career in mixed martial arts. He had the honor of training with some professional boxers in his fight camps.
In 2016 at age 32 years old he had his debut.
Bill is the Kentucky heavy weight champion and The World Boxing Federation North America Heavy Weight Champion.
In Bills spare time he loves helping and teaching kids. His main gym is in Ashland , Kentucky Phil Clarks Martial Arts Academy. Bill also soared with West Wood Boys Club also in Ashland, Kentucky.
Bill has a lot of people that contribute to his success some of which is Phil Clark, Travis Hanshaw, Keith Salmons they help in his conditioning. Bills promoters are Tom and Mindy Hanshaw. His amazing manager is Travis Hanshaw
Bills stats are
5-1 Amateur
7-2 Professional
Bill Yates professional Fighter
a naughty word derived from latin. meaning a frivolous or promiscuous young woman
Jiggalo Bill is an old bearded man, living and scavenging around for life in the sewers
Person 1: yooo look at Taylor!
Person 2: she looks dirty!, the tramp needs some new clothes and to stop scrounging for grains of rice! that's one jiggalo bill
Person 1: aha trust