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someone who is a pedophile

me: dude have you seen the pedo-bear walking around watching kids sleeping

by stalkker May 30, 2019

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Bear Wench

A hoe who lies about having to work then fakes and says she no longer has to go to work even though no one could give 2 shits whether she had to work or didn't have to work in the 1st place.

Bear Wench: I can't make it because I have to work for an hour today but leave the door unlocked because there's a good chance I'll be right back because somehow the work I had to do will be cancelled

by Donkz June 25, 2011

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Word used by high school and middle schoolers to describe how awesome their friends are.

Rob: What do you think of pessah?
Dan: Pessah? That guy is such a bear!

by Katryna January 16, 2008

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Pumpkin bear

Alpha male, hot boyfriend that is a sweetheart in the inside and strong on the outside. This leaves you with the perfect balance of feeling safe and adored.

I love you pumpkin bear!

by Bluntsj October 11, 2013

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Ko'o Bear

The Ko'o Bear is native to the Koolau Mountain Range on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Little is known of this ferocious creature other that this: It only attacks prey in groups of 1. It stands approximately 12-13 feet tall with Dark Brown Fur, exceedingly long teeth and claws, and is migratory throughout the Hawaiian Region. Local Legend relays the fact that no man who has ever seen the Ko'o Bear has ever lived to tell the tale. Although it moves silently through the thickets given its size there is still one means of detection. The strikingly high pitched squawk of the Kakui Bird can be heard a considerable distance and is surely a warning that the Ko'o Bear draws near.

My first near encounter with the Ko'o Bear is as follows. While attempting to navigate my way through a large patch of thrangle (thorny, strangling) bushes deep in the Halawa valley. I came upon a clearing of decimated vegetation in a significantly remote area. Upon strict examination I must conclude this destruction to be the work of many men or a significantly large creature. Shortly thereafter and in close proximity to the previously mentioned area I was startled by an intensely robust squawk of what must have been the Kukui Bird. For the sound emanating from a short distance away I likened to "Ka-Koo-hee"! fortunately for me I have no tangible evidence to present save my verbal recollection or I would likely be deceased.

by Holoholona Nui May 21, 2009

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bear tail

some shit left in the ass cheeks because it was unsuccsesfuly "held in"

as i was playing games, i noticed that the room smelt like shit, i think imy brother has a bear tail, so i said, "dude, go spoon out that bear tail,"

by Ricky Brito May 28, 2008

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skeet bear

awkward mammal that cannot control itself

hey whats that? uhhhh what the hell am i in... that damn skeet bear

by awkwardneedstobeknown June 2, 2009

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