The sister of your next girlfriend
My "ex girlfriends" sister is pretty hot, I should date her.
you : remember my ex bestfriend?
ur real bff : the bitch?
a bitch who you used to be friends with that you totally regret, used to be friends, now enemies
ur mom: are you still friends with barbruh
you: no, she’s my ex-bestfriend
Grace has become a good friend. She is an absolute surprise when it comes to gaming because she's actually good, but she is also a complete and utter cunty disgrace when it comes to dissing her friends online, she cannot write something mean if it were for her life, she can however name every person she'd like to fuck on love island and totally surprise you when it comes to not actually being innocent, still beat her at the dirty minded game though.
Keep it real Grace 🤙
Zack doesn't like being mean to grace exe
Zack also doesn't feel like he should actually be mean to grace, but he is because he's a super cunt 🤙
Like friends with benefits but between two people who were previously coworkers. Also known as ECWB.
Not to be confused with Coworkers with Benefits
“Hey Ashley, since we matched on Hinge, would that make us ECWB if we banged?”
“ECWB? What’s that?”
“Ex-Coworker with Benefits, obviously. It’s a new lingo.”
Shorts that have been cut from a pair of pants, i.e. cutoffs.
That guy's wearing ex-slax cut from Dockers.
March 6th is national get back with your ex day. You know you want them!
“Hey what’s today?” “Oh you know! National get back with your ex day!”