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Nagged to death by your mother, grandmother or aunt. The result of the constant barrage of maternal nit-pickie reminders.

After being told hang up his jacket, take off his shoes, come in through the garage and not the front door, use a handkerchief and not his sleeve, lower his voice and not to use such coarse language; Carl turned around, got in his car and left thoroughly mother-bored.

by geezitron December 19, 2009

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Mother fucker

What you scream at people, mostly used when driving, playing fortnite, and when your annoyed that your child had had her boyfriend over to fuck.

You mother fucker, nice blinker, asshole!!!

by Goats โ€˜n Goats October 4, 2018

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mother licker

to stroke your a mother with your tongue; or an insult takin jokingly or instead of saying mother @#$^.

Hey! Your a mother licker

by Jose Nicholas November 12, 2003

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mother duck

a name for a random fake e-mail address. highly amusing :)

abi- omg! add me on iamgullable@hotmail.co.uk, iil email you :D
katt- ok :D
-recieves an email from mother duck-
katt- wtf abi :L:L:L:L
abi- i know, it was random. but i love it
katt-oh snaps :D

by motherduckrules January 10, 2008

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Queen Mother

A goobertastically delicious modified ice cream sandwich. It's made by removing one chocolate side of a regular ice cream sandwich ... shoving peanut M&Ms into the vanilla ice cream ... then placing Oreo cookies that have been carefully split with cream side face outward (for the side that has the cream) ... finally replace the removed chocolate sandwich side and enjoy the best dessert you'll have had in a long while.

After getting the ice cream sandwich from the freezer and noticing the Oreos in the cookie jar and the peanut M&Ms in the candy bowl, he realized it was the perfect storm of dessert ingredients ... he could make himself a legendary Queen Mother.

by G Schmoe June 23, 2009

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mother bear

<MUH-thur bayr>

This is the TRUE definition of mother bear. Mother bear is used as an exclamation to show the highest or lowest (depending on the context) possible level for something to achieve. In other words, it represents the epitome of any adjective. All you have to do is use it in a simile or a metaphor (metaphors are much more common). For example, if something is ANGRIER THAN A MOTHER BEAR, it is not possible to be any angrier than that, period. If it is incredibly cold outside, like absolute zero, then it is COLDER THAN A MOTHER BEAR. Get it?

Dale: That joke that Jeff Foxworthy told last night was hilarious!

John: It wasn't hilarious....it was funnier than a mother bear!

by Jesus Fuckendoucher September 30, 2011

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SPAZER's mother

A woman who allows her son to crawl back into her vagina at times where he hates the world.

by Anonymous March 1, 2003

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