I’m starting to wonder if I am hopeless :(
I’m going to die if I don’t get something soon
Some weird ass trailer for a game where you play as Mr krabs from spongebob and take ketamine,deliver the ketamine
fucking publicly execute people infront of the police and they wont do nothing
flip a coin and game end plankton
person one:so whats this video you wanted to show me?
person two:ahoy spongebob, I've over dosed on ketamine and I'm going to die.
person one:what the fuck?
person one:what the fuck is that all about?
person two:pretty much the discount version of michael's trailer from GTA:V
A German phrase from the anime Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. It is said at the beginning of the anime's theme song, and has become popular.
It translates to:
1.You are the prey and we are the hunters.
2. Are you the prey? No, we are the hunters.
Person 1: Have you seen Attack on Titan?
Person 2: Oh yeah man, I love that anime!
Both (yelling loudly and in unison): SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAGER
1761👍 243👎
You Just simply really wanna die today, but that sadly is not gonna happend, idk why you even searched this up, but ok lol.
P.S you also wasted your time reading this.
Person 1: i really wanna die today but thats not gonna happend
Person 2: Don't we all?
Person 1: Shut up.
2👍 1👎
"Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jäger" (please notice the Umlaut) is the catch phrase of the intro music of the famous Anime Attack on Titan.
As with many German lyrics in Japanese pop culture, the translation is not quite right.
Apparently, what the creators wanted to express is "they are the prey and we are the hunters". However, "Essen" literally translates to "food" and would never be used by a native speaker in this context. A better German word would be "Beute".
A: By any chance, do you watch Attack on Titan?
B: Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager!
24👍 2👎
Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do
We all die you either kill yourself or get killed
oh yee i luv dat vine
30👍 2👎
A German phrase from the anime Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. It is said at the beginning of the anime's theme song, and has become popular.
It translates to: They are the food (prey) and we are the hunters.
You are the prey = Du bist (singular) or Ihr seid (pl "y'all are) das Essen (undefined/non-specific/ "meal," may be incorrectly used in this case).
Person 1: Have you seen Attack on Titan?
Person 2: Oh yeah man, I love that anime!
Both (yelling loudly and in unison): SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JAEGER!