Source Code

Ah Dirt

Something said as a cuss. Would be used in place of: ah fuck, ah shit, as god damn.

Wade yelled "ah dirt" as the beer was spilt on his head at the beach.

by ahdirt January 27, 2009

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Turf dirt

Someone who sleeps with every single person from every turf the one everyone passes around and treats like dirt

Who hasn't she fucked straight Turf dirt

by Shasty707 September 26, 2017

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Dirt Road

To buttfuck

Hey Mike A, I took the dirt road to chocolate town with that girl from the bar last night.

by NutsTucked April 21, 2019

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Dirt Dick

When you're copulating outside, and she goes to finish you off while having dirt on her hand that is transferred to the penis during the final stage of busting a nut all over her beautiful punkass face

Present participle: when he has dirt on his dick and he puts it into a woman. She has then been dirt dicked

While she was giving him a blowjob on the rough trail, a little bit of dirt got on her hand . When she touched his penis, she transferred it thereby giving him dirt dick.

by AgoraX March 24, 2018

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Dirt Deer

Nature's Dirt Bike

What dirt bike would be if engines did not exist.

A medium sized deer with cleats. Capable of accelerating at high speeds and doing flips off ramps.

Antlers as handlebars.

Travis Pastrana just did a siccck back flip on his dirt deer. Thats gonna get him the gold medal.

by Banana Jim April 23, 2009

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dirt-stache (n)
A "mustache" that looks like dirt above one's lip.

Oh my gosh, look at this dude. He has a dirt-stache. What a loser!

by 79xx April 27, 2017

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Dirt Horse

An insult used when someone does something so ridiculous and/or unnecissarily painful that normal insults are inadequate.

Hey, nobody wants to ride a dirty horse.

"Dude, yesterday Tom bit me in the wenis"
"Did he break skin?"
"Yea, he's such a dirt horse"

by AKAthecheesegrater April 16, 2010

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