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All Tommy's are dickeads man

You seee Tommy hes such a dickead

by Lord Define August 21, 2021


A white guy who would sacrifice his life for Pakistan

- “Have you seen Tommy lately ? “

- “ nah man …he sacrificed his life for Pakistan

by Bakikun96 November 22, 2021


A Tommycan be very sweet and tries to do anything he can, but sometimes he takes it too far and in the end hurts himself. He can be a screw up but will do anything to make up for it. But nobody gives Tommy another chance

Me and my girl broke up. She told me I was a Tommy

by Red the X December 17, 2018


Tommy is usually a boy who’s gay or bisexual. They are very nice and loving. Might act like a pussy at times but hey! gotta love a tommy.

oh hey is that tommy boy over there gay?

oh yes, yes he is but i’m pretty sure he’s bisexual.

by prettyquirky124 January 6, 2021


A arsehole who loves big massive scrumptious cock, he plays with his wang 24/7 and never stops eating toenail clippings. He thinks he likes women but he loves big black obese hairy men named daqouis bottomfart.

Random person: is that a tommy???

Other person: obviously, he's with a daqouis bottomfart 🙄

by Daddy loves big black cock August 2, 2022


The most annoying person EVER.

Tommy: "lol fortnite balls"
everybody else: "stfu"

by MasonIsntFunny July 21, 2023


That kid in your class that always act like he know how to roast but up being called a fagot Fargo who feeling salty now thot

Tommy Boi get yo chicken head

Me fagot

by Yungmoney35 October 24, 2017