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True Luv

What Brittany Jayy and Jordan Pee got and if we dont got its we darn close <3

Guy #1: Heyy do you know Jordan Pee
Guy #2: Yeah him and Brittany Jayy got that true luv

by Flocka Licious April 2, 2011

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real true christians

A person who has accepted Jesus Christ into a temporary mind, a temporarily inherited heart, and an eternal soul, which goes to heaven after doing so.

Real true Christians often try to make real true Christians of other people (as they should, and as they should have a right to without being attacked, insulted, killed, or sued).

by Phrigajiblenoghip May 22, 2004

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True Love

A lie.

โ€œI thought she was the one, she said I was her true love.โ€ Jenna cried and Talia hugged her best friend.

by Ilovetwopeoplehelp July 29, 2018

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true political left

Another name for leftists, but also includes anarchists who don't consider themselves leftists. Anyone who is anti-capitalist is a member of the true political left. The true political left includes socialists, marxists, anarchists, etc.

The term is used to distinguish from the political left, which varies by countries and their politics and often includes capitalists who are not far right, and include anarchists who may not consider themselves leftists. The true political left refers to the pure economic horizontal axis of the most common ideology map, the political compass, where any ideology left of the center is anti-capitalist.

American conservatives and reactionaries love to rail on about how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are puppets of the radical left. Meanwhile the United states hasn't had a prominent politician from the true political left since before the first red scare in the 1910s. Bernie Sanders' policies aren't even socialist, they're that of social democracy.

by leftistmonke November 26, 2020

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As true as your nan

Meaning very true, or that you're not lying

Jimmy: "Caught a 15 inch redfin the other day."
Shaun: "fuck, true?"
Jimmy: "As true as your nan"

by S1921 March 4, 2017

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Omg that's true syndrome

When you're on facebook and every page that pops up you have the urge to like it because you think it relates to your life.

::watch update statuses::

"Flocka M. Dougie liked---- hangover is actually the most quotable movie ever.....

You- OMG THAT'S TRUE.....::likes page::
friend sitting next to you- You totally have OMG that's true syndrome.

by Noee August 20, 2010

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True Player Twins

When a man has two or more babies born on the same day from different mothers.

Shawn Kemp's aversion to condoms almost landed him with a few sets of "true player twins".

by True_Player_Twin September 28, 2013

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