A label maker that can print two labels at a very high speed at the same time.
Notoriously dangerous for getting one's testicles caught in.
Oh fuck, Jay's bot himself tangled in the Dymo Twin Turbo again. One per bollock.
some dumb towers that cant stand up when a plane hits them.
wow imagine not being alive when getting hit with a plane wowwwwwww dumb twin towers
“Baby girl, lemme fly my plane into your twin towers.”
Unless you have Alzheimers disease, I don't think we should be discussing this topic.
Or if you are Osama reincarnated from heaven
We are totally not terrorists, and not going to make this plane crash into the Twin Towers. We are totally normal tourists who haven't seen the inside of a cabin. Totally. Translate what I said into Arabic
When two males stick their dicks in a womans ass and cum goes all over
"Yo the twin towers yesterday was so not gay"
A previous landmark containing 2 towers over a health center in New York City.
The landmark was destroyed in 2001 by a Terrorist Attack containing two planes.
The twin towers got destroyed in 9/11.
When a man puts on a Strapon and fucks both her holes.
"Hey Randy!"
" My GF bought a Strapon last night and I gave her a twin towers!"
"What the FuCK!