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When something is very very bad, or wank.

Ben: Ah mate, i well have to work sunday.

Biz: Thats fucking wank-a-lank mate.

by BizBiz December 17, 2006

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Flab wank

An action involving a larger woman and a man's genital regions.

A flab wank involves literal wanking off using two layers of fat around the penis.

" All that girl's good for is a flab wank"

" I wouldn't want a flab wank from her"

" her datin add said skinny white female, you know what online dating is like though; thank god she could give a good old flab wank."

by Cap'n Higgins April 20, 2010

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Sleep wank

To wake up and find you mysteriously have a knackered arm

"ahh shit i must have been sleep wanking all night"

by TMB June 17, 2003

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soapy wank

The art of having a wank while in the shower and covered in soap.

I used an entire bar of soap when having numerous soapy wanks this morning in the shower

by Mr. Soap December 28, 2005

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tootsie wank

when a lady gives pleasure to a mans penis using the balls of her feet and toes.

o hunni now you've stripped for me stand still and let me give you a tootsie wank


i've lost both my arms but i can still satisfy you by giving you a tootsie wank...with my toes and bottoms of my feet but pls don't cum in my lil toes as nail varnish remover doesn't remove spink

by beef lover April 16, 2006

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wank artist

1. person who has perfected the art of wanking!

2. person who creates art with cum

1. im a wank artist

2. Daniel Bennett

by chrisd123 October 9, 2007

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wanking claw

Deformed hand used primarily for wanking. Can be used in many jokes.

Damian: What is happening over there
Thomas Kiely: Nothing, im just itchy
Everyone: No, He's masterbating
Louis: Wanking Claw!

by Tyler Williams June 17, 2006

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