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history wizard

A stupid Jew, who says stupid things on TikTok

Guy one: did you hear that the history wizards wife has a boyfriend
Guy two: just another history wizard classic⚡️⚡️

by Taintphister March 29, 2024

wizard hounding

When a chicks labia flaps like my Bloodhounds jowls when he's hanging he's hanging his out of my truck window at 80mph.

Linda's big ole labia flaps were Wizard Hounding like my old dog Henry's jowls when he's hanging his head out of my truck window.....and that shit smells like my five year old house shoes.

by Dawgbreff March 7, 2018

Head Wizard

Noun; Title held by an expert in Wizardry and leader of The Velvet Wizards.

Definition: Leader of all Wizards, is most-knowledgeable in all things Wizard related, has adapted all Wizard ways of life and strictly adheres to the beliefs, is of the highest Wizard authority. May be self-appointed in certain situations and often is female, but it is not required. The Head Wizard must have a Velvet item of clothing on at all times. When not wearing any clothing, a Velvet Staff is the only acceptable replacement.

The Head Wizard must possess excellent oral skills. Performance and aptitude tests of this skill are required.

“The Head Wizard has called an emergency meeting.”

“ As the Head Wizard, only approve of your Velvet Staff, Ron.”

by Breezkneez411 May 28, 2021

Wizard wang

An alternative word for “dick.” But not just any dick. That GOOD, SPIRITUAL, MAGICAL, dick. It’s out of this world amazing.

“Girrrrrrl, tell me why he came over last night and dropped that wizard wang on me. Sex magic was happening, and now I’m walking like Bambi fresh out the womb.”

by Energylilith January 5, 2021

Chin Wizard

Someone who has an extremely long and pointed chin, much like a wizard's beard.

Hey buddy, get a load of that chin wizard! She could KILL someone with that long and pointy chin!

by postwil2000 July 11, 2012

The Grand Wizard

A Klan leader who makes good ribs but bad descions

Did you try those dry rub ribs the Grand Wizard made?

by Coochiekingkeff March 14, 2022

2👍 1👎

Kids vs. Wizards

Eng.: The worst Russian animated movie based on a very controversial book. An blatant xenophobic religious propaganda (read: non-Russians and magicians are evil), graphics and animation efforts are god-awful, the premise and plot are cliched and ridiculous, the overall message is warped, characters are forgettable and unrelatable, multiple blatant historical inaccuracies (read: Nazi camp in Scotland?!), bla-bla-bla. Five obvious reasons I could bother to say. Thank god the sequel never happened.

More like ROC (Russian Orthodox Church) vs. Harry Potter. Harry Potter is still awesome, though.

Rus.: Убогий российский анимационный фильм по очень неоднозначной книге. Банальная ксенофобская религиозная пропаганда (читай: нерусские и маги - зло), графика и анимация отвратительны, замысел и сюжет клишированы и нелепы, общий посыл искажен, персонажи забываемы и неуместны, множество вопиющих исторических моментов неточности (читай: нацистский лагерь в Шотландии?!), бла-бла-бла. Пять очевидных причин, которые я мог бы назвать. Слава богу продолжения не было.

Скорее РПЦ (Русская православная церковь) против Гарри Поттера. Но Гарри Поттер все равно прекрасен.

Kids vs. Wizards' infamous quotes:
Professor Kosh: Let's feed with lead pies! (Профессор Кош: Накормим свинцовыми пирогами!)
Elya: Shut up, Russian pig! (Эля: Заткнись, русская свинья!)

by Maxkatsur April 30, 2023