Source Code


Gunter: To be a Munter with a Gunt.

See Munter: Most often used to describe an incredibly unattractive female who you wouldn't touch with a shitty stick.

See Gunt: the joining of a gut and cunt: usually found in women who are carrying their stomachs in their jeans or pants

Look at those Munters with their Gunts out...Gunter(s)!

by Bintor May 27, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Shorthand inclusive gender pronoun

The staff member making the invoice needs to manually enter the invoice number s/he/they remember from the previous invoice.

by coldboi9969 May 11, 2020

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ideas/Suggestions board on Neopets. Usually filled with idiots who actually think TNT gives a shit about their suggestions because they suck. Apart from them, the people who are "regs" and are on every day and acknowledge the fact that TNT doesn't give a shit are the I/Sers. Average age, 14. Most don't have lives and/or have some form of depression. Kind of like EMS, but with actual real-life problems.

I/Sers use ~squiggly lines~ alot and say "lul" and usually have an "I/S Pride" sign on their lookup, (Created by Lovegood) after a recent "war" with the NW, so you can easily tell the non-I/Sers from the ~I/Sers~.
The "new i/sers" usually try to tag their boards and have on their lookup "I chat at the I/S. I hate you" and are hated by most for wanting to be something all the I/Sers hate to be considered.

Scenesters aren't usually welcome at I/S because 99.9% or the time the pictures they post aren't even of them, and they're lame retards. They are usually herded to EMS by Nutri.

Most I/Sers also communicate through other means besides neopets. Such as MSN and Myspace.

I/Sers don't tag their boards because it's retarded to do so.

Vitz owns us.

Board: So today was so stupid~
Board: Man, I need a life
Board: Cool idea for a paintbrush!!
Board: I am making an omelette
Board: I have a suggestion. ^^
Board: ~Vitz rulez~~

Some I/Sers include: Lovegood, Nutri, Misti, Sam, Stevo, Radar, Chibi, Jacob, Snow, Kookie, Fluffy, Kyle, Daphne, Air, etc.

by an I/Ser January 12, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. InKonSistant is attraction, looks good one day, looks disgusting the other. Usually talking about someone.

2.Lacking consistency or regularity in quality or performance.

Matt: "Eh Bro check out that blonde chick over their."
Bako: "Naw Bro she's K-S, wait till you see her any other day, you'll throw up."

by Bako April 18, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

s s c a r y

When something is so scary you add two sโ€™s

That was so s s c a r y

by Relapse. August 19, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

S & M

S$M has many different meanings but to get to the simplest form it means... Slave and master

Ready for some S & M tonight u sexy beast

by vigideo September 5, 2005

326๐Ÿ‘ 587๐Ÿ‘Ž


a dance created in chicago

do da 40's,do da 40's.

by arnise January 20, 2006

65๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž