An absolute asshole who should not be president of the United States and is proof that this country is full of morons waving their fist for a moron leader. How this buttwipe ever came into office is beyond me, but by God, it happened, and our country is falling apart under his hands.
Ever got a problem? Blame it on Bush. He is the cause for sadness, woe, and herpes.
And for all you people bitching that he has good intentions or some shit, OK. Just because you have good intentions doesn't mean you should be the most powerful leader in the world. He's a dick.
"It must be a budget, it's got a lot of numbers in it." -- an actual quote from our "highly educated" president.
203๐ 72๐
A dumbass that was elected president by the American people twice. How did this happen? I don't know. Without a doubt he is the worst president the US has ever had.
Because of George "W" Bush I have to pay so much damn money for gas.
657๐ 257๐
Geroge W. Bush:
What every decent, law abiding, hard working American parent teaches their children not to be.
Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of George W. Bush for a moment...
If your son or daughter turned out to lie and cheat compulsively, indulged in drugs and alcohol to the maximum, never did a days work, took every handout possible, ruined everything they ever touched, neglected every responsibility given to them...
...deserted from the military...
...took more vacation days then anyone before them in the job they had....
and above all else expressed themselves like an idgit with marbles in their mouth....
would you welcome that Father's Day/Mothers Day card that read..."Thank you for helping me become what I am today."???
heck, maybe in the family of George W Bush family, they are relieved...
307๐ 115๐
I can't take four more years of dingus ruining our country, I'm moving to Canada!
5330๐ 2262๐
Speaking of last guys being idiots...I am not so sure that there is a "d" in the word "college."
Also, Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar. If you are not familiar, that means he very well may have been this country's most educated President. Carefull who you try to call a dumbass when you can't even spell "college."
Oh, and lastly; this is what George "W" Bush says about him on the site:
"During the administration of William Jefferson Clinton, the U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any time in its history. He was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second term. He could point to the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the highest home ownership in the country's history, dropping crime rates in many places, and reduced welfare rolls. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus."
Suck it whore.
That guy wreaks of gay sex like George "W" Bush in at the bath house.
447๐ 174๐
43rd president of the United States and subject of much controversy.
He was elected with a minority of the popular vote and a highly disputed electoral vote in Florida (won by a few hundred votes), and many citizens refer to him as "stealing the election".
He presided over the country after the attacks of September 11th and subsequently overthrew the governments of Afghanistan (in direct response for said attacks) and Iraq (on the premise of enforcing UN regulations on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction). The invasion of Iraq was enacted without the support of the UN itself and was fraught with controversy. The most common accusation is that Bush invaded Iraq for its oil supplies (aside from insulting his intelligence).
Bush's record during the Vietnam War has also been called into question. Bush served in the Texas National Guard air corp, but accusations have been raised about him showing up for duty. This controversy cannot be solved, as the records which applied to Bush's service were lost while they were transfered from microfilm to computer.
George W. Bush may be the most hated president of all time. Only history can tell what he has accomplished.
Examples of anti-Bush slogans
"No Blood for Oil"
"Hail to the Thief"
933๐ 381๐
Common phrase used by internet users in a way to display approval towards an statement made by Andrew Tate, sometimes used ironically.
Andrew Tate: "Vaping is stupid"
@spiderthe99goat: Common Tate W
162๐ 62๐