Source Code

Asshole War

See 'Redhamic Asshad.'

(See 'Redhamic Asshad.')

by Nicolai June 11, 2004

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marinated asshole

1. the anus of a person who hasn't showered for days

2. when a person hasn't showered for days, letting their body odor develop to nasty levels.

"how could she have tossed his salad,he definitely had a marinated asshole"

by Terdel Nelson September 5, 2009

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XbL Asshole

An Xbox Live asshole. Someone who is a asshole on Xbox Live.

He is quite an XbL asshole. Buttplug that XbL asshole.

by iNsiiiiGht October 18, 2009

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lazy asshole

an anal opening that does not open wide enough to allow the feces to escape into the depths of the toilet, but soon yields a massive turd.

That really is one lazy asshole. And to think that he didn't even plunge!

by truthiest November 27, 2010

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uber asshole

One who gets on sites such as urbandictionary and goes through everyones difinitions and gives them the thumbs down w/o reading a single word. Also may like to post their friends names to make fun of them. However these people live said lonely lives, they lose their friends, and all of their kids are born underweight and die young. Types of uber assholes may vary but you can such my balls plx.

justin defined me in a homosexual manner, that uber asshole

by jesusbababoo August 8, 2006

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atomic asshole

An act of sexual pleasure giving, in which a girl eats out an asshole while sucking on a fireball, and then proceeds to insert the fireball into the asshole with her toungue. An optional act of using a strap on to ram the fireball home may follow, but this is known as fireball fudgepacking.

Dude, I can't even sit down today after Trish gave me that atomic asshole last night. I thought it was going to be a regular rim job, but she upped her game. It was so nice.

by BriFry February 29, 2008

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asshole tax

a non-refundable fee assessed on debts owed to fed-up friends

you may owe me $80, but i want $100. why? you're late. that's your asshole tax.

see also _fight club_

by erinne June 11, 2005

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