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Bust and gust

when you nut in a girl and leave quickly

yo last night I bust and gust

by RAOBJ March 11, 2020

pikachu busted

The term often used by bald smash player Esam.

Used solely for declaring that the Super Smash Brothers. character, pikachu, is busted.

Pikachu? Busted.
Esam has said pikachu busted over 2000 times

Boxing ring

by J-j-j-jv3StockIfIplayAgainst October 17, 2021

Busting a Keegan

A slang term for someone who was caught doing illegal substances in a place inappropriate to do so.

Bob: Hey, did you hear what happened to Kyle?
John: Yeah, a security guard caught him busting a Keegan in the lunchroom.

by (insert title here) December 8, 2015


Something that is yelled after the dealer busts in Blackjack

come on dealer... BUST-A-MENTO

by rfranke727 July 7, 2011

bust a chut

Expression used to denote extreme excitement or enjoyment. Substitution for “wow that’s cool” or other similar phrases

“Wow math class was so rad, algebra makes me wanna bust a chut”

by ChutBusterXD November 23, 2021

bust a fang

The lifting of the vaginal labia, in an attempt to direct urinal flow, while at the same time, avoiding sitting on a dirty toilet seat. This is a popular method of urination amongst women, especially in unsavory restrooms, such as at a country comcert.

“Man, those port-o-potties are foul, girl. Let’s just bust a fang.”

by Daddy N. January 27, 2018

busted butter

When you soil your undergarments due to intense ejaculation

I got run to the restroom Steve, I think I just busted butter

by SugarSmacks! October 21, 2017