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its basically us millennial and gen z make fun of old people for making fun of us :)

Karen: Kids these days acting crazy getting tattoos, getting piercing, back in my day....
All the teens snickers: OK boomer!

by Thatgurlsisie November 14, 2019


Somebody who refers to the past usually millennials

"I remember when phones didn't even exist " said phil Alex replied "Ok Boomer"

by Alikzakalifa:) November 11, 2019


A an amazing soul who loves to boom that good music and OG true soul who loves to boom bap and rock and roll and doesn't follow the masses who look like total jack asses following the trap of the masses.. should take some master classes of being true to themselves so they can help others who need to be original and free and not trapped like a robotic zombie most of the good ebtertainers if they are truly good sings about BOOM

That couple there they are truly Boomersvand not early bloomersl lol

by Dillip Offyd November 2, 2019


The proper response is SOONER, unless yall are crazy that is


by nate16902 July 1, 2019


An older person that watches TV and does nothing.

Boomer: You need get off your phone.
Gen Z: Ok boomer

by isuckatmakingnames July 23, 2020


Person with horrible taste in music

Layn is such a fucking boomer

by Terard October 30, 2019


Fuckin owd bastards thinking they're the most important piece of gammon in the room.

Ok, boomer.

by Aftrmrkt February 5, 2021